Commit e4a0b0a6 authored by Nikolay's avatar Nikolay


Updated readme.
parent 7345fe46
# CloudSim: A Framework For Modeling And Simulation Of Cloud Computing Infrastructures And Services #
Cloud computing is the leading technology for delivery of reliable, secure, fault-tolerant, sustainable, and scalable computational services.
For assurance of such characteristics in cloud systems under development, it is required timely, repeatable, and controllable methodologies for evaluation of new cloud applications and policies before actual development of cloud products. Because utilization of real testbeds limits the experiments to the scale of the testbed and makes the reproduction of results an extremely difficult undertaking, simulation may be used.
Cloud computing is the leading approach for delivering reliable, secure, fault-tolerant, sustainable, and scalable computational services. Hence timely, repeatable, and controllable methodologies for performance evaluation of new cloud applications and policies before their actual development are reqruied. Because utilization of real testbeds limits the experiments to the scale of the testbed and makes the reproduction of results an extremely difficult undertaking, simulation may be used.
CloudSim goal is to provide a generalized and extensible simulation framework that enables modeling, simulation, and experimentation of emerging Cloud computing infrastructures and application services, allowing its users to focus on specific system design issues that they want to investigate, without getting concerned about the low level details related to Cloud-based infrastructures and services.
......@@ -39,4 +37,4 @@ The downloaded package contains all the source code, examples, jars, and API htm
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