Commit 9de43c8d authored by Anton Beloglazov's avatar Anton Beloglazov

- Initial import of the source code

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This document describes modifications in the CloudSim classes from CloudSim 1.0 beta to CloudSim 2.0
- NEW SIMULATION CORE. CloudSim 2.0 does not rely on SimJava to process simulation. Therefore, creation of threads was
controlled, race conditions found in CloudSim beta were removed, scalability and performance of CloudSim improved.
Moreover, support for dynamic creation and destruction of simulation entities was added.
- IMPROVEMENT IN SCHEDULERS, which enhances accuracy of simulation results.
- NEW FEATURES, including power-aware simulation, federation simulation, and network simulation.
- PACKAGE ORGANIZATION CHANGES, including changes in class names, removal of classes, and changes in interfaces. Next, the
main changes that affect CloudSim beta users are summarized.
The following classes had their names changed to better reflect its functionalities and/or to adhere to naming standards:
(previous name) VMScheduler -> (current name) CloudletScheduler
(previous name) TimeSharedVMScheduler -> (current name) CloudletSchedulerTimeShared
(previous name) SpaceSharedVMScheduler -> (current name) CloudletSchedulerSpaceShared
(previous name) VMMAllocationPolicy -> (current name) VmScheduler
(previous name) TimeSharedAllocationPolicy -> (current name) VmSchedulerTimeShared
(previous name) TimeSpaceSharedAllocationPolicy -> (current name) VmSchedulerOportunisticSpaceShared
(previous name) TimeSharedWithPriorityAllocationPolicy -> (current name) VmSchedulerTimeShared
(previous name) SpaceSharedAllocationPolicy -> (current name) VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority
(previous name) VMProvisioner -> (current name) VmAllocationPolicy
(previous name) SimpleVMProvisioner -> (current name) VmAllocationPolicySimple
(previous name) DataCenter -> (current name) Datacenter
(previous name) PE -> (current name) Pe
(previous name) VirtualMachine -> (current name) Vm
(previous name) SimpleMemoryProvisioner -> (current name) provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple
(previous name) MemoryProvisioner -> (current name) provisioners.RamProvisioner
(previous name) BWProvisioner -> (current name) provisioners.BwProvisioner
(previous name) SimpleBWProvisioner -> (current name) provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple
(previous name) DataCenterTags -> (current name) core.CloudSimTags
(previous name) SANStorage -> (current name) HardDriveStorage
Previous classes that implemented list operations were removed from CloudSim. Instead of this classes, users should use standard lists from java.utils
* CloudletList
* VirtualMachineList
The following classes were removed because they were redundant:
* VMCharacteristics
Because dependencies from SimJava were removed, and due to other code optimizations, some classes suffered major changes in their interfaces. The main ones are listed below:
* Vm (previous VirtualMachine) now receives directly all the relevant VM parameters (before, it was done through a VMCharacteristics object)
* Simulation entities (Datacenter, FederatedDatacenter, DatacenterBroker) have now simpler constructors. Please, refer to examples or Javadoc for new constructors
Below there is a list of CloudSim's new features. Please, refer to Javadoc and examples for instructions on how to use this new features.
* Network effects added through determination of network link latency and bandwidth;
* Support for simulation of Federation of Data centers (new classes FederatedDatacenter, CloudCoordinator, and Sensor);
* Support for modeling of energy-aware cloud computing.
This directory contains examples in the use of CloudSim
To compile the example source codes:
In Unix/Linux: javac -classpath $CLOUDSIM/jar/cloudsim-2.0.jar:. cloudsim/examples/
In Windows: javac -classpath %CLOUDSIM%\jar\cloudsim-2.0.jar;. cloudsim\examples\
To run the class file:
In Unix/Linux:
java -classpath $CLOUDSIM/jar/cloudsim-2.0.jar:. cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExampleX > file.txt
In Windows:
java -classpath %CLOUDSIM%\jar\cloudsim-2.0.jar;. cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExampleX > file.txt
The above command means run the program and output the results into a file
named "file.txt" rather than into screen or standard output.
Here are the summary of what each example does: : shows how to create a datacenter with one host and run one cloudlet on it. : shows how to create a datacenter with one host and run two cloudlets on it.
The cloudlets run in VMs with different priorities. : shows how to create a datacenter with two hosts and run two cloudlets on it.
The cloudlets run in VMs with different priorities. However, since each VM
run exclusively in each host, less priority will not delay the cloudlet on it. : shows how to create two datacenters with one host each and run two cloudlets on them. : shows how to create two datacenters with one host each and run cloudlets of two users on them. : shows how to create scalable simulations. : shows how to pause simulations. : shows how to add entities in run time.
network: this directory contains examples on how to run simulation with network simulation.
power: this directory contains examples on how to use CloudSim's power-aware features.
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Directory Structure of CloudSim Toolkit 2.0
$CLOUDSIM/ -- top level CloudSim directory
classes/ -- The CloudSim class files
doc/ -- CloudSim API Documentation
examples/ -- CloudSim examples and Class Diagram
jar/ -- CloudSim jar archives
lib/ -- external libraries
src/ -- CloudSim source code
test -- CloudSim unit tests
Software Requirements : Java version 1.6 or newer
CloudSim has been tested and ran on Sun's Java version 1.6.0 or newer.
Older versions of Java are not compatible.
If you have non-Sun Java version, such as gcj or J++, they may not be compatible.
You also need to install Ant to compile CloudSim (explained in more details later).
Installation and Running CloudSim Toolkit
You just need to unpack the CloudSim file to install.
If you want to remove CloudSim, then remove the whole $CLOUDSIM directory.
NOTE: You do not need to compile CloudSim source code. The JAR file is
provided to compile and to run CloudSim applications.
* cloudsim.jar -- contains CloudSim class files only
To compile and run CloudSim applications, do the following step:
1) Go the directory where the CloudSim's Examples reside
In Unix or Linux: cd $CLOUDSIM/examples/
In Windows: cd %CLOUDSIM%\examples\
2) Compile the Java source file
In Unix or Linux: javac -classpath $CLOUDSIM/jar/cloudsim-2.0.jar:. cloudsim/examples/
In Windows: javac -classpath %CLOUDSIM%\jar\cloudsim-2.0.jar;. cloudsim\examples\
3) Running the Java class file
In Unix or Linux: java -classpath $CLOUDSIM/jar/cloudsim-2.0.jar:. cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExampleX
In Windows: java -classpath %CLOUDSIM%\jar\cloudsim-2.0.jar;. cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExampleX
* $CLOUDSIM or %CLOUDSIM% is the location of the CloudSim Toolkit package.
Learning CloudSim
To understand how to use CloudSim, please go through the examples provided
in the $CLOUDSIM/examples/ directory.
Compiling CloudSim : Using Ant
This release contains a simple buildfile for compiling CloudSim classes.
You need to have ant installed (
Ant can be used in both Windows and Unix/Linux environment.
* type 'ant' to compile all CloudSim source files and put them into
classes/ directory
* type 'ant makejar' to compile the source files (if necessary) and to create
a new jar file called "new_cloudsim.jar" into jars/ directory.
* You need to set up PATH for ant in Windows and/or Unix.
* rule for javadoc is not included yet. Use script on Unix instead.
Cloudsim Project to Release CloudSim Toolkit 2.0
The Cloudbus Project at The University of Melbourne, Australia along with collaborators
from the High Performance Lab (LAD) at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
(PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil is proud to announce the release of the new version of its
Cloud simulation software, the CloudSim.
One year has passed since CloudSim beta was released. Since then, Cloud computing has gained
more visibility, and a plenty of new projects, both in academia and in the industry, emerged.
To help developers of such projects to evaluate new strategies and ideas before actual
development, CloudSim 2.0 contains support for model and simulation of hot topics in Cloud
Computing, including green/power-aware Cloud Computing and federated Cloud Computing.
At the same time new features were added, major improvements in simulation core allowed enhanced
scalability and performance of simulations and insertion and removal of simulation entities
during simulation execution. It increases considerably scenarios that may be addressed in
simulations, what we hope will contribute to a wider adoption of the tool by the research
These improvements were possible due to extensive support from the Cloud Computing research
community around the world, which used CloudSim, appointed bugs, and provided us feedback on
new features they would like to have in future versions the toolkit. Community is invited to
keep contribution to CloudSim.
As in its previous version, all components developed as part of the CloudSim Toolkit are released
as "open source" under the GPL license to encourage innovation and pass full freedom to our users.
To download the CloudSim software, please visit the Cloudbus Project web site at
The CloudSim Team
Melbourne, May 2010
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package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples;
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create a datacenter with one host and run one
* cloudlet on it.
public class CloudSimExample1 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example.
* @param args the args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting CloudSimExample1...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
// Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at
// list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
// Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
// Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
// VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 1000;
long size = 10000; // image size (MB)
int ram = 512; // vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; // number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; // VMM name
// create VM
Vm vm = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
// add the VM to the vmList
// submit vm list to the broker
// Fifth step: Create one Cloudlet
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
// Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 400000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
// add the cloudlet to the list
// submit cloudlet list to the broker
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
//Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
// Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("CloudSimExample1 finished!");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
* Creates the datacenter.
* @param name the name
* @return the datacenter
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name) {
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
// 4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list
// of machines
int hostId = 0;
int ram = 2048; // host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; // host storage
int bw = 10000;
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this
// resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); // we are not adding SAN
// devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem,
costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
// We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to
// submit vms and cloudlets according
// to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
* Creates the broker.
* @return the datacenter broker
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker() {
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects.
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent
+ "Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent
+ "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS) {
Log.printLine(indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId()
+ indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId()
+ indent + indent
+ dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())
+ indent + indent
+ dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* a datacenter with one host and run two
* cloudlets on it. The cloudlets run in
* VMs with different priorities.
public class CloudSimExample2 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting CloudSimExample2...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
//Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 250;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create two VMs
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//the second VM will have twice the priority of VM1 and so will receive twice CPU time
priority = 2;
Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VMs to the vmList
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create two Cloudlets
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 250000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlets to the list
//submit cloudlet list to the broker
//bind the cloudlets to the vms. This way, the broker
// will submit the bound cloudlets only to the specific VM
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("CloudSimExample2 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority(peList)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* a datacenter with two hosts and run two
* cloudlets on it. The cloudlets run in
* VMs with different priorities. However,
* since each VM run exclusively in each host,
* less priority will not delay the cloudlet
* on it.
public class CloudSimExample3 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting CloudSimExample3...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
//Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 1000;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 2048; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create two VMs
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//the second VM will have twice the priority of VM1 and so will receive twice CPU time
priority = 2;
Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority,vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VMs to the vmList
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create two Cloudlets
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlets to the list
//submit cloudlet list to the broker
//bind the cloudlets to the vms. This way, the broker
// will submit the bound cloudlets only to the specific VM
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("CloudSimExample3 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Hosts with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority(peList)
); // This is our first machine
//create another machine in the Data center
List<Pe> peList2 = new ArrayList<Pe>();
peList2.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips)));
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority(peList2)
); // This is our second machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerSpaceShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* two datacenters with one host each and
* run two cloudlets on them.
public class CloudSimExample4 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting CloudSimExample4...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the GridSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
Datacenter datacenter1 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_1");
//Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 250;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create two VMs
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//the second VM will have twice the priority of VM1 and so will receive twice CPU time
priority = 2;
Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VMs to the vmList
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create two Cloudlets
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlets to the list
//submit cloudlet list to the broker
//bind the cloudlets to the vms. This way, the broker
// will submit the bound cloudlets only to the specific VM
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("CloudSimExample4 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
//in this example, the VMAllocatonPolicy in use is SpaceShared. It means that only one VM
//is allowed to run on each Pe. As each Host has only one Pe, only one VM can run on each Host.
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerSpaceShared(peList)
); // This is our first machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerSpaceShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* two datacenters with one host each and
* run cloudlets of two users on them.
public class CloudSimExample5 {
/** The cloudlet lists. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList1;
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList2;
/** The vmlists. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist1;
private static List<Vm> vmlist2;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting CloudSimExample5...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 2; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
Datacenter datacenter1 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_1");
//Third step: Create Brokers
DatacenterBroker broker1 = createBroker(1);
int brokerId1 = broker1.getId();
DatacenterBroker broker2 = createBroker(2);
int brokerId2 = broker2.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine for each broker/user
vmlist1 = new ArrayList<Vm>();
vmlist2 = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 250;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create two VMs: the first one belongs to user1
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId1, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//the second VM: this one belongs to user2
Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId2, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VMs to the vmlists
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create two Cloudlets
cloudletList1 = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
cloudletList2 = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlets to the lists: each cloudlet belongs to one user
//submit cloudlet list to the brokers
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList1 = broker1.getCloudletReceivedList();
List<Cloudlet> newList2 = broker2.getCloudletReceivedList();
Log.print("=============> User "+brokerId1+" ");
Log.print("=============> User "+brokerId2+" ");
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("CloudSimExample5 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips=1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
//in this example, the VMAllocatonPolicy in use is SpaceShared. It means that only one VM
//is allowed to run on each Pe. As each Host has only one Pe, only one VM can run on each Host.
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerSpaceShared(peList)
); // This is our first machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(int id){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker"+id);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.NetworkTopology;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* a datacenter with one host and a network
* topology and and run one cloudlet on it.
public class NetworkExample1 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting NetworkExample1...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
//Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 250;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create VM
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VM to the vmList
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create one Cloudlet
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlet to the list
//submit cloudlet list to the broker
//Sixth step: configure network
//load the network topology file
//maps CloudSim entities to BRITE entities
//PowerDatacenter will correspond to BRITE node 0
int briteNode=0;
//Broker will correspond to BRITE node 3
// Seventh step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("NetworkExample1 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem,
costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.NetworkTopology;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* two datacenters with one host and a
* network topology each and run two cloudlets
* on them.
public class NetworkExample2 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting NetworkExample2...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
Datacenter datacenter1 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_1");
//Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 250;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create two VMs
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//the second VM will have twice the priority of VM1 and so will receive twice CPU time
priority = 2;
Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VMs to the vmList
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create two Cloudlets
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlets to the list
//submit cloudlet list to the broker
//bind the cloudlets to the vms. This way, the broker
// will submit the bound cloudlets only to the specific VM
//Sixth step: configure network
//load the network topology file
//maps CloudSim entities to BRITE entities
//Datacenter0 will correspond to BRITE node 0
int briteNode=0;
//Datacenter1 will correspond to BRITE node 2
//Broker will correspond to BRITE node 3
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("NetworkExample2 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
//in this example, the VMAllocatonPolicy in use is Time Shared with priorities. It means that VMs
//receive time shares accroding to their priority.
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeSharedWithPriority(peList)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem,
costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.NetworkTopology;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerSpaceShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* two datacenters with one host each and
* run cloudlets of two users with network
* topology on them.
public class NetworkExample3 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList1;
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList2;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist1;
private static List<Vm> vmlist2;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting NetworkExample3...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 2; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
Datacenter datacenter1 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_1");
//Third step: Create Brokers
DatacenterBroker broker1 = createBroker(1);
int brokerId1 = broker1.getId();
DatacenterBroker broker2 = createBroker(2);
int brokerId2 = broker2.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine for each broker/user
vmlist1 = new ArrayList<Vm>();
vmlist2 = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int mips = 250;
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create two VMs: the first one belongs to user1
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId1, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//the second VM: this one belongs to user2
Vm vm2 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId2, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VMs to the vmlists
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create two Cloudlets
cloudletList1 = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
cloudletList2 = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
Cloudlet cloudlet2 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlets to the lists: each cloudlet belongs to one user
//submit cloudlet list to the brokers
//Sixth step: configure network
//load the network topology file
//maps CloudSim entities to BRITE entities
//Datacenter0 will correspond to BRITE node 0
int briteNode=0;
//Datacenter1 will correspond to BRITE node 2
//Broker1 will correspond to BRITE node 3
//Broker2 will correspond to BRITE node 4
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList1 = broker1.getCloudletReceivedList();
List<Cloudlet> newList2 = broker2.getCloudletReceivedList();
Log.print("=============> User "+brokerId1+" ");
Log.print("=============> User "+brokerId2+" ");
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("NetworkExample3 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
//in this example, the VMAllocatonPolicy in use is SpaceShared. It means that only one VM
//is allowed to run on each Pe. As each Host has only one Pe, only one VM can run on each Host.
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerSpaceShared(peList)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem,
costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(int id){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker"+id);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Datacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.NetworkTopology;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModel;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelFull;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmAllocationPolicySimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* A simple example showing how to create
* a datacenter with one host and a network
* topology and and run one cloudlet on it.
* Here, instead of using a BRIE file describing
* the links, links are inserted in the code.
public class NetworkExample4 {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vmlist. */
private static List<Vm> vmlist;
* Creates main() to run this example
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting NetworkExample4...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
//Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
Datacenter datacenter0 = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
//Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
//Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmlist = new ArrayList<Vm>();
//VM description
int vmid = 0;
int mips = 250;
long size = 10000; //image size (MB)
int ram = 512; //vm memory (MB)
long bw = 1000;
int pesNumber = 1; //number of cpus
int priority = 1;
String vmm = "Xen"; //VMM name
//create VM
Vm vm1 = new Vm(vmid, brokerId, mips, pesNumber, ram, bw, size, priority, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerTimeShared());
//add the VM to the vmList
//submit vm list to the broker
//Fifth step: Create one Cloudlet
cloudletList = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
//Cloudlet properties
int id = 0;
long length = 40000;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
UtilizationModel utilizationModel = new UtilizationModelFull();
Cloudlet cloudlet1 = new Cloudlet(id, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, utilizationModel, utilizationModel, utilizationModel);
//add the cloudlet to the list
//submit cloudlet list to the broker
//Sixth step: configure network
//maps CloudSim entities to BRITE entities
// Seventh step: Starts the simulation
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
//Print the debt of each user to each datacenter
Log.printLine("NetworkExample4 finished!");
catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static Datacenter createDatacenter(String name){
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create a list to store
// our machine
List<Host> hostList = new ArrayList<Host>();
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
int mips = 1000;
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
//4. Create Host with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
int hostId=0;
int ram = 2048; //host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; //host storage
int bw = 10000;
new Host(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a data center: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/Pe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList<Storage> storageList = new LinkedList<Storage>(); //we are not adding SAN devices by now
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem,
costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
Datacenter datacenter = null;
try {
datacenter = new Datacenter(name, characteristics, new VmAllocationPolicySimple(hostList), storageList, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
return datacenter;
//We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to submit vms and cloudlets according
//to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker(){
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = " ";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent +
"Data center ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent + "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId() + indent + indent);
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS){
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
Log.printLine( indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId() + indent + indent + indent + cloudlet.getVmId() +
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime()) + indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())+
indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime()));
Topology: ( 5 Nodes, 8 Edges )
Model (1 - RTWaxman): 5 5 5 1 2 0.15000000596046448 0.20000000298023224 1 1 10.0 1024.0
Nodes: ( 5 )
0 1 3 3 3 -1 RT_NODE
1 0 3 3 3 -1 RT_NODE
2 4 3 3 3 -1 RT_NODE
3 3 1 3 3 -1 RT_NODE
4 3 3 4 4 -1 RT_NODE
Edges: ( 8 )
0 2 0 3.0 1.1 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
1 2 1 4.0 2.1 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
2 3 0 2.8284271247461903 3.9 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
3 3 1 3.605551275463989 4.1 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
4 4 3 2.0 5.0 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
5 4 2 1.0 4.0 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
6 0 4 2.0 3.0 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
7 1 4 3.0 4.1 10.0 -1 -1 E_RT U
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
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package org.cloudbus.cloudsim;
* The Interface UtilizationModel.
public interface UtilizationModel {
* Returns utilization in percents according to the time.
* @param time the time
* @return utilization percentage
double getUtilization(double time);
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