1. 05 Apr, 2020 5 commits
    • Haj Rezvan's avatar
      The program updated to version 0.2 · 6d86460c
      Haj Rezvan authored
      Change "map" and "visualMap" fields to "static map" and "static visualMap" fields.
      Change "public Board()" constructor to "public static void initialisingBoard()" method.
      Change "public void printMap()" method to "static public void printMap()" method.
    • Haj Rezvan's avatar
      The program updated to version 0.2 · e014cbf1
      Haj Rezvan authored
      Change Board's fields and method, to static fields and methods.
    • Haj Rezvan's avatar
      The program updated to version 0.1. · 297a75c7
      Haj Rezvan authored
      calling "setMapByPosition" and "setVisualMapByPosition" methods, commented.
      "visualMapMap" and "map" variables add to "setNutsInBoard" method for call by reference in setter method.
    • Haj Rezvan's avatar
      The program updated to version 0.1. · c9fa4fcd
      Haj Rezvan authored
      The "setMapByPosition" and "setVisualMapByPosition" methods commented and "setVisualMap" , "setMap" and "refresh" methods added.
    • Haj Rezvan's avatar
      The program updated to version 0.1. · d86ed05b
      Haj Rezvan authored
      The "setMapByPosition" and "setVisualMapByPosition" methods commented and "setVisualMap" and "setMap" methods added.
  2. 03 Apr, 2020 1 commit
  3. 02 Apr, 2020 3 commits