Commit 5101a9b0 authored by Anton Beloglazov's avatar Anton Beloglazov

Removed old power examples

parent 4b0dca77
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.power;
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerDynamicWorkload;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerSpaceShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelStochastic;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerDatacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerHost;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerVmAllocationPolicySingleThreshold;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.models.PowerModelLinear;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* An example of a heterogeneous DVFS-enabled data center: the voltage
* and clock frequency of the CPU are adjusted ideally according
* to current resource requirements.
public class DVFS {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vm list. */
private static List<Vm> vmList;
private static double hostsNumber = 2;
private static double vmsNumber = 10;
private static double cloudletsNumber = 10;
* Creates main() to run this example.
* @param args the args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting DVFS example...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities. We can't run this example without
// initializing CloudSim first. We will get run-time exception
// error.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace GridSim events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
// Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at
// list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
PowerDatacenter datacenter = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
// Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
// Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmList = createVms(brokerId);
// submit vm list to the broker
// Fifth step: Create one cloudlet
cloudletList = createCloudletList(brokerId);
// submit cloudlet list to the broker
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
double lastClock = CloudSim.startSimulation();
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
Log.printLine("Received " + newList.size() + " cloudlets");
int totalTotalRequested = 0;
int totalTotalAllocated = 0;
ArrayList<Double> sla = new ArrayList<Double>();
/*int numberOfAllocations = 0;
for (Entry<String, List<List<Double>>> entry : datacenter.getUnderAllocatedMips().entrySet()) {
List<List<Double>> underAllocatedMips = entry.getValue();
double totalRequested = 0;
double totalAllocated = 0;
for (List<Double> mips : underAllocatedMips) {
if (mips.get(0) != 0) {
totalRequested += mips.get(0);
totalAllocated += mips.get(1);
double _sla = (mips.get(0) - mips.get(1)) / mips.get(0) * 100;
if (_sla > 0) {
totalTotalRequested += totalRequested;
totalTotalAllocated += totalAllocated;
double averageSla = 0;
if (sla.size() > 0) {
double totalSla = 0;
for (Double _sla : sla) {
totalSla += _sla;
averageSla = totalSla / sla.size();
Log.printLine(String.format("Total simulation time: %.2f sec", lastClock));
Log.printLine(String.format("Energy consumption: %.2f kWh", datacenter.getPower() / (3600 * 1000)));
Log.printLine(String.format("Number of VM migrations: %d", datacenter.getMigrationCount()));
Log.printLine(String.format("Number of SLA violations: %d", sla.size()));
Log.printLine(String.format("SLA violation: %.2f%%", 100 * ((double) totalTotalRequested - totalTotalAllocated) / totalTotalRequested));
Log.printLine(String.format("Average SLA violation: %.2f%%", averageSla));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
Log.printLine("DVFS example finished!");
* Creates the cloudlet list.
* @param brokerId the broker id
* @return the cloudlet list
private static List<Cloudlet> createCloudletList(int brokerId) {
List<Cloudlet> list = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
long length = 150000; // 10 min on 250 MIPS
int pesNumber = 2;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < cloudletsNumber; i++) {
Cloudlet cloudlet = new Cloudlet(i, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, new UtilizationModelStochastic(), new UtilizationModelStochastic(), new UtilizationModelStochastic());
return list;
* Creates the vms.
* @param brokerId the broker id
* @return the list< vm>
private static List<Vm> createVms(int brokerId) {
List<Vm> vms = new ArrayList<Vm>();
// VM description
int[] mips = { 250, 500, 750, 1000 }; // MIPSRating
int pesNumber = 1; // number of cpus
int ram = 128; // vm memory (MB)
long bw = 2500; // bandwidth
long size = 2500; // image size (MB)
String vmm = "Xen"; // VMM name
for (int i = 0; i < vmsNumber; i++) {
new Vm(i, brokerId, mips[i % mips.length], pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerSpaceShared()));
return vms;
* Creates the datacenter.
* @param name the name
* @return the datacenter
* @throws Exception the exception
private static PowerDatacenter createDatacenter(String name) throws Exception {
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create an object of HostList2 to store
// our machine
List<PowerHost> hostList = new ArrayList<PowerHost>();
double maxPower = 250; // 250W
double staticPowerPercent = 0.7; // 70%
int[] mips = { 1000, 2000, 3000 };
int ram = 10000; // host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; // host storage
int bw = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < hostsNumber; i++) {
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
// 3. Create PEs and add these into an object of PowerPeList.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips[i % mips.length]))); // need to store PowerPe id and MIPS Rating
// 4. Create PowerHost with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
new PowerHost(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList),
new PowerModelLinear(maxPower, staticPowerPercent)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a Grid resource: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/PowerPe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this
// resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
PowerDatacenter powerDatacenter = null;
try {
powerDatacenter = new PowerDatacenter(
new PowerVmAllocationPolicySingleThreshold(hostList, 1.0),
new LinkedList<Storage>(),
} catch (Exception e) {
return powerDatacenter;
// We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to
// submit vms and cloudlets according
// to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
* Creates the broker.
* @return the datacenter broker
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker() {
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects.
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = "\t";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent
+ "Resource ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent
+ "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId());
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS) {
Log.printLine(indent + "SUCCESS"
+ indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId()
+ indent + cloudlet.getVmId()
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime())
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())
+ indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime())
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.power;
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerDynamicWorkload;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelStochastic;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerDatacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerDatacenterNonPowerAware;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerHost;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerVmAllocationPolicySingleThreshold;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.models.PowerModelLinear;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* An example of a heterogeneous non-power aware data center: all hosts
* consume maximum power all the time.
public class NonPowerAware {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vm list. */
private static List<Vm> vmList;
private static double hostsNumber = 10;
private static double vmsNumber = 20;
private static double cloudletsNumber = 20;
* Creates main() to run this example.
* @param args the args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting Not Power Aware example...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities. We can't run this example without
// initializing CloudSim first. We will get run-time exception
// error.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace GridSim events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
// Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at
// list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
PowerDatacenter datacenter = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
// Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
// Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmList = createVms(brokerId);
// submit vm list to the broker
// Fifth step: Create one cloudlet
cloudletList = createCloudletList(brokerId);
// submit cloudlet list to the broker
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
double lastClock = CloudSim.startSimulation();
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
Log.printLine("Received " + newList.size() + " cloudlets");
int totalTotalRequested = 0;
int totalTotalAllocated = 0;
ArrayList<Double> sla = new ArrayList<Double>();
int numberOfAllocations = 0;
for (Entry<String, List<List<Double>>> entry : datacenter.getUnderAllocatedMips().entrySet()) {
List<List<Double>> underAllocatedMips = entry.getValue();
double totalRequested = 0;
double totalAllocated = 0;
for (List<Double> mips : underAllocatedMips) {
if (mips.get(0) != 0) {
totalRequested += mips.get(0);
totalAllocated += mips.get(1);
double _sla = (mips.get(0) - mips.get(1)) / mips.get(0) * 100;
if (_sla > 0) {
totalTotalRequested += totalRequested;
totalTotalAllocated += totalAllocated;
double averageSla = 0;
if (sla.size() > 0) {
double totalSla = 0;
for (Double _sla : sla) {
totalSla += _sla;
averageSla = totalSla / sla.size();
Log.printLine(String.format("Total simulation time: %.2f sec", lastClock));
Log.printLine(String.format("Energy consumption: %.2f kWh", datacenter.getPower() / (3600 * 1000)));
Log.printLine(String.format("Number of VM migrations: %d", datacenter.getMigrationCount()));
Log.printLine(String.format("Number of SLA violations: %d", sla.size()));
Log.printLine(String.format("Overall SLA violation: %.2f%%", 100 * ((double) totalTotalRequested - totalTotalAllocated) / totalTotalRequested));
Log.printLine(String.format("Average SLA violation: %.2f%%", averageSla));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
Log.printLine("Not Power Aware example finished!");
* Creates the cloudlet list.
* @param brokerId the broker id
* @return the cloudlet list
private static List<Cloudlet> createCloudletList(int brokerId) {
List<Cloudlet> list = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
long length = 150000; // 10 min on 250 MIPS
int pesNumber = 1;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < cloudletsNumber; i++) {
Cloudlet cloudlet = new Cloudlet(i, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, new UtilizationModelStochastic(), new UtilizationModelStochastic(), new UtilizationModelStochastic());
return list;
* Creates the vms.
* @param brokerId the broker id
* @return the list< vm>
private static List<Vm> createVms(int brokerId) {
List<Vm> vms = new ArrayList<Vm>();
// VM description
int[] mips = { 250, 500, 750, 1000 }; // MIPSRating
int pesNumber = 1; // number of cpus
int ram = 128; // vm memory (MB)
long bw = 2500; // bandwidth
long size = 2500; // image size (MB)
String vmm = "Xen"; // VMM name
for (int i = 0; i < vmsNumber; i++) {
new Vm(i, brokerId, mips[i % mips.length], pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerDynamicWorkload(mips[i % mips.length], pesNumber))
return vms;
* Creates the datacenter.
* @param name the name
* @return the datacenter
* @throws Exception the exception
private static PowerDatacenter createDatacenter(String name) throws Exception {
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create an object of HostList2 to store
// our machine
List<PowerHost> hostList = new ArrayList<PowerHost>();
double maxPower = 250; // 250W
double staticPowerPercent = 0.7; // 70%
int[] mips = { 1000, 2000, 3000 };
int ram = 10000; // host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; // host storage
int bw = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < hostsNumber; i++) {
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
// 3. Create PEs and add these into an object of PowerPeList.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips[i % mips.length]))); // need to store PowerPe id and MIPS Rating
// 4. Create PowerHost with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
new PowerHost(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList),
new PowerModelLinear(maxPower, staticPowerPercent)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a Grid resource: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/PowerPe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this
// resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
PowerDatacenter powerDatacenter = null;
try {
powerDatacenter = new PowerDatacenterNonPowerAware(
new PowerVmAllocationPolicySingleThreshold(hostList, 1.0),
new LinkedList<Storage>(),
} catch (Exception e) {
return powerDatacenter;
// We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to
// submit vms and cloudlets according
// to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
* Creates the broker.
* @return the datacenter broker
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker() {
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects.
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = "\t";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent
+ "Resource ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent
+ "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId());
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS) {
Log.printLine(indent + "SUCCESS"
+ indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId()
+ indent + cloudlet.getVmId()
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime())
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())
+ indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime())
package org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.power;
* Title: CloudSim Toolkit
* Description: CloudSim (Cloud Simulation) Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation
* of Clouds
* Licence: GPL -
* Copyright (c) 2009, The University of Melbourne, Australia
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Cloudlet;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.CloudletSchedulerDynamicWorkload;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterBroker;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.DatacenterCharacteristics;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.UtilizationModelStochastic;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Vm;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.VmSchedulerTimeShared;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerDatacenter;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerHost;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerVmAllocationPolicySingleThreshold;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.models.PowerModelLinear;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.BwProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.PeProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
* An example of a power aware data center. In this example the placement of VMs
* is continuously adapted using VM migration in order to minimize the number
* of physical nodes in use, while idle nodes are switched off to save energy.
* The CPU utilization of each host is kept under the specified utilization threshold.
public class SingleThreshold {
/** The cloudlet list. */
private static List<Cloudlet> cloudletList;
/** The vm list. */
private static List<Vm> vmList;
private static double utilizationThreshold = 0.8;
private static double hostsNumber = 10;
private static double vmsNumber = 20;
private static double cloudletsNumber = 20;
* Creates main() to run this example.
* @param args the args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting SingleThreshold example...");
try {
// First step: Initialize the CloudSim package. It should be called
// before creating any entities. We can't run this example without
// initializing CloudSim first. We will get run-time exception
// error.
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace GridSim events
// Initialize the CloudSim library
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
// Second step: Create Datacenters
// Datacenters are the resource providers in CloudSim. We need at
// list one of them to run a CloudSim simulation
PowerDatacenter datacenter = createDatacenter("Datacenter_0");
// Third step: Create Broker
DatacenterBroker broker = createBroker();
int brokerId = broker.getId();
// Fourth step: Create one virtual machine
vmList = createVms(brokerId);
// submit vm list to the broker
// Fifth step: Create one cloudlet
cloudletList = createCloudletList(brokerId);
// submit cloudlet list to the broker
// Sixth step: Starts the simulation
double lastClock = CloudSim.startSimulation();
// Final step: Print results when simulation is over
List<Cloudlet> newList = broker.getCloudletReceivedList();
Log.printLine("Received " + newList.size() + " cloudlets");
int totalTotalRequested = 0;
int totalTotalAllocated = 0;
ArrayList<Double> sla = new ArrayList<Double>();
int numberOfAllocations = 0;
for (Entry<String, List<List<Double>>> entry : datacenter.getUnderAllocatedMips().entrySet()) {
List<List<Double>> underAllocatedMips = entry.getValue();
double totalRequested = 0;
double totalAllocated = 0;
for (List<Double> mips : underAllocatedMips) {
if (mips.get(0) != 0) {
totalRequested += mips.get(0);
totalAllocated += mips.get(1);
double _sla = (mips.get(0) - mips.get(1)) / mips.get(0) * 100;
if (_sla > 0) {
totalTotalRequested += totalRequested;
totalTotalAllocated += totalAllocated;
double averageSla = 0;
if (sla.size() > 0) {
double totalSla = 0;
for (Double _sla : sla) {
totalSla += _sla;
averageSla = totalSla / sla.size();
Log.printLine(String.format("Total simulation time: %.2f sec", lastClock));
Log.printLine(String.format("Energy consumption: %.2f kWh", datacenter.getPower() / (3600 * 1000)));
Log.printLine(String.format("Number of VM migrations: %d", datacenter.getMigrationCount()));
Log.printLine(String.format("Number of SLA violations: %d", sla.size()));
Log.printLine(String.format("Overall SLA violation: %.2f%%", 100 * ((double) totalTotalRequested - totalTotalAllocated) / totalTotalRequested));
Log.printLine(String.format("Average SLA violation: %.2f%%", averageSla));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
Log.printLine("SingleThreshold finished!");
* Creates the cloudlet list.
* @param brokerId the broker id
* @return the cloudlet list
private static List<Cloudlet> createCloudletList(int brokerId) {
List<Cloudlet> list = new ArrayList<Cloudlet>();
long length = 150000; // 10 min on 250 MIPS
int pesNumber = 1;
long fileSize = 300;
long outputSize = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < cloudletsNumber; i++) {
Cloudlet cloudlet = new Cloudlet(i, length, pesNumber, fileSize, outputSize, new UtilizationModelStochastic(), new UtilizationModelStochastic(), new UtilizationModelStochastic());
return list;
* Creates the vms.
* @param brokerId the broker id
* @return the list< vm>
private static List<Vm> createVms(int brokerId) {
List<Vm> vms = new ArrayList<Vm>();
// VM description
int[] mips = { 250, 500, 750, 1000 }; // MIPSRating
int pesNumber = 1; // number of cpus
int ram = 128; // vm memory (MB)
long bw = 2500; // bandwidth
long size = 2500; // image size (MB)
String vmm = "Xen"; // VMM name
for (int i = 0; i < vmsNumber; i++) {
new Vm(i, brokerId, mips[i % mips.length], pesNumber, ram, bw, size, vmm, new CloudletSchedulerDynamicWorkload(mips[i % mips.length], pesNumber))
return vms;
* Creates the datacenter.
* @param name the name
* @return the datacenter
* @throws Exception the exception
private static PowerDatacenter createDatacenter(String name) throws Exception {
// Here are the steps needed to create a PowerDatacenter:
// 1. We need to create an object of HostList2 to store
// our machine
List<PowerHost> hostList = new ArrayList<PowerHost>();
double maxPower = 250; // 250W
double staticPowerPercent = 0.7; // 70%
int[] mips = { 1000, 2000, 3000 };
int ram = 10000; // host memory (MB)
long storage = 1000000; // host storage
int bw = 100000;
for (int i = 0; i < hostsNumber; i++) {
// 2. A Machine contains one or more PEs or CPUs/Cores.
// In this example, it will have only one core.
// 3. Create PEs and add these into an object of PowerPeList.
List<Pe> peList = new ArrayList<Pe>();
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerSimple(mips[i % mips.length]))); // need to store PowerPe id and MIPS Rating
// 4. Create PowerHost with its id and list of PEs and add them to the list of machines
new PowerHost(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerSimple(bw),
new VmSchedulerTimeShared(peList),
new PowerModelLinear(maxPower, staticPowerPercent)
); // This is our machine
// 5. Create a DatacenterCharacteristics object that stores the
// properties of a Grid resource: architecture, OS, list of
// Machines, allocation policy: time- or space-shared, time zone
// and its price (G$/PowerPe time unit).
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this
// resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
DatacenterCharacteristics characteristics = new DatacenterCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw);
// 6. Finally, we need to create a PowerDatacenter object.
PowerDatacenter powerDatacenter = null;
try {
powerDatacenter = new PowerDatacenter(
new PowerVmAllocationPolicySingleThreshold(hostList, utilizationThreshold),
new LinkedList<Storage>(),
} catch (Exception e) {
return powerDatacenter;
// We strongly encourage users to develop their own broker policies, to
// submit vms and cloudlets according
// to the specific rules of the simulated scenario
* Creates the broker.
* @return the datacenter broker
private static DatacenterBroker createBroker() {
DatacenterBroker broker = null;
try {
broker = new DatacenterBroker("Broker");
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return broker;
* Prints the Cloudlet objects.
* @param list list of Cloudlets
private static void printCloudletList(List<Cloudlet> list) {
int size = list.size();
Cloudlet cloudlet;
String indent = "\t";
Log.printLine("========== OUTPUT ==========");
Log.printLine("Cloudlet ID" + indent + "STATUS" + indent
+ "Resource ID" + indent + "VM ID" + indent + "Time" + indent
+ "Start Time" + indent + "Finish Time");
DecimalFormat dft = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cloudlet = list.get(i);
Log.print(indent + cloudlet.getCloudletId());
if (cloudlet.getCloudletStatus() == Cloudlet.SUCCESS) {
Log.printLine(indent + "SUCCESS"
+ indent + indent + cloudlet.getResourceId()
+ indent + cloudlet.getVmId()
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getActualCPUTime())
+ indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getExecStartTime())
+ indent + indent + dft.format(cloudlet.getFinishTime())
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