Commit 1bc80dc3 authored by Ahmad Siavashi's avatar Ahmad Siavashi

.gitignore is now working

parent b1ce0dba
# GPUCloudSim: An extension of CloudSim for Modeling and Simulation of GPUs in Cloud Data Centers #
In order to satisfy graphical and computational requirements of end-users, today cloud providers offer GPU-enabled services. It is known that due to the complexity of GPU devices, conventional virtualization techniques are not directly applicable. Hence, various virtualization methods such as API remoting, full, para and hardware-assisted virtualization techniques are adopted to share a GPU among multiple VMs. To ease-up conducting experimental studies on GPU-enabled cloud computing environments, we provide an extension to CloudSim simulator. Our extension includes models and provisioning and scheduling policies to enable the modeling and simulation of GPUs in data centers.
# Main features #
* support for modeling and simulation of large scale GPU-enabled Cloud platforms
* support for modeling and simulation of energy-aware GPU-equipped data centers
* support for modeling and simulation of multi-video card servers
* support for modeling and simulation of multi-GPU video cards
* support for user-defined GPU provisioning policies
* support for modeling and simulation of GPU-enabled VMs
* support for modeling and simulation of virtualization-incurred performance overhead
* support for user-defined GPU scheduling policies
* support for modeling and simulation of GPU applications
* support for modeling and simulation of interference among co-running GPU applications
* support for user-defined GPU application scheduling policies
# Download #
This package contains CloudSim 4.0 with the latest version of the GPU extension.
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