Commit 0dc598bf authored by mahdikarami0111's avatar mahdikarami0111

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Pipeline #5963 failed with stages
# Default ignored files
<html>Simple <b>Java</b> application that includes a class with <code>main()</code> method</html>
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* Cirlcle class implements Shape class
public class Circle extends Shape{
private int radius;
* constructor for the class, sets the radius
* @param radius int radius of the circle
public Circle(int radius){
this.radius = radius;
public int calculatePerimeter() {
return (int)Math.round(2*3.14*radius);
public int calculateArea() {
return (int) Math.round(radius * radius * 3.14);
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Circle - Area : "+calculateArea()+" - Perimeter : " +calculatePerimeter());
public boolean equals(Shape shape) {
if(!(shape instanceof Circle)){
return false;
return ((Circle) shape).radius == radius;
public String toString() {
return "Circle, Radius : "+radius+"\n";
* circle class without inheritance
public class Circle1 {
private int radius;
public Circle1(int radius){
this.radius = radius;
public int calculatePerimeter() {
return (int)Math.round(2*3.14*radius);
public int calculateArea() {
return (int) Math.round(radius * radius * 3.14);
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Circle - Area : "+calculateArea()+" - Perimeter : " +calculatePerimeter());
public boolean equals(Circle1 circle1) {
return this.radius == circle1.radius;
public String toString() {
return "Circle, Radius : "+radius+"\n";
public int getRadius() {
return radius;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Circle c1 = new Circle(19);
Circle c2 = new Circle(3);
Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(1,4,1,4);
Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(5,8,5,8);
Rectangle r3 = new Rectangle(6,6,6,6);
Triangle t1 = new Triangle(2,2,2);
Triangle t2 = new Triangle(4,4,6);
Paint p = new Paint();
// **without inheritance
// Circle1 c1 = new Circle1(19);
// Circle1 c2 = new Circle1(3);
// Rectangle1 r1 = new Rectangle1(1,4,1,4);
// Rectangle1 r2 = new Rectangle1(8,5,8,5);
// Rectangle1 r3 = new Rectangle1(6,6,6,6);
// Triangle1 t1 = new Triangle1(2,2,2);
// Triangle1 t2 = new Triangle1(4,4,6);
// Paint1 paint1 = new Paint1();
// paint1.addCircle(c1);
// paint1.addCircle(c2);
// paint1.addRectangle(r1);
// paint1.addRectangle(r2);
// paint1.addRectangle(r3);
// paint1.addTriangle(t1);
// paint1.addTriangle(t2);
// paint1.drawAll();
// paint1.printAll();
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Paint class keeps and manages all the Shapes that are created
public class Paint {
* a list to keep track of all shapes
private ArrayList<Shape> shapes;
* constructor for the class allocates memory
public Paint(){
shapes = new ArrayList<>();
* adds a new shape to shapes list
* @param shape new shape to be added
public void addShape(Shape shape){
* draws all shapes
public void drawAll(){
for(Shape shape : shapes){
* prints all shapes
public void printAll(){
for(Shape shape : shapes){
* goes through all shapes and prints them if they are square or an equilateral triangle
public void describeEqualSides(){
System.out.println("Shapes with equal sides : ");
for(Shape shape : shapes){
if(shape instanceof Triangle && ((Triangle) shape).isEquilateral()){
if(shape instanceof Rectangle && ((Rectangle) shape).isSquare()){
import java.util.ArrayList;
* paint class without inheritance
public class Paint1 {
private ArrayList<Circle1> circles;
private ArrayList<Triangle1> triangles;
private ArrayList<Rectangle1> rectangles;
public Paint1(){
circles = new ArrayList<>();
triangles = new ArrayList<>();
rectangles = new ArrayList<>();
public void addTriangle(Triangle1 triangle1){
public void addRectangle(Rectangle1 rectangle1){
public void addCircle(Circle1 circle1){
public void drawAll(){
for(Circle1 circle1 : circles){
for (Triangle1 triangle1 : triangles){
for (Rectangle1 rectangle1 : rectangles){
public void printAll(){
for(Circle1 circle1 : circles){
for (Triangle1 triangle1 : triangles){
for (Rectangle1 rectangle1 : rectangles){
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
* a class that inherits Shape class and hold common features of polygon shapes
public abstract class Polygon extends Shape{
* each polygon shape has a number of sides
public ArrayList<Integer> sides;
* constructor for the class gets an unfixed number of sides and adds them to the sides list
* @param args int sides of the shape
public Polygon(Integer... args){
sides = new ArrayList<>();
* since perimeter calculation is the same for all types of polygons
* the implementation is done here rather than being individually done for each specific type
* of polygon
* @return returns perimeter of the polygon
public int calculatePerimeter(){
int sum = 0;
for(int x : sides){
sum += x;
return sum;
public ArrayList<Integer> getSides() {
return sides;
* Rectangle class implements all methods from Shape class
public class Rectangle extends Polygon{
public Rectangle(int s1,int s2,int s3,int s4){
public int calculateArea() {
return (sides.get(0) * sides.get(1));
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Rectangle - Perimeter : " + calculatePerimeter() +" - Area : " +calculateArea());
public boolean equals(Shape shape) {
if(!(shape instanceof Rectangle)){
return false;
return ((Rectangle) shape).sides.get(0).equals(sides.get(0)) && ((Rectangle) shape).sides.get(1).equals(sides.get(1));
public boolean isSquare(){
return (sides.get(0).equals(sides.get(1)));
public String toString() {
return "Rectangle, side1 : "+sides.get(0) +",side2 : "+sides.get(1)+
",side3 : "+sides.get(2)+",side4 : " +sides.get(3) +"\n";
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Rectangle class without inheritance
public class Rectangle1 {
private ArrayList<Integer> sides;
public Rectangle1(int x,int y,int z,int r){
sides = new ArrayList<>();
public int calculatePerimeter(){
return (sides.get(0)+sides.get(1)+sides.get(2)+sides.get(3));
public int calculateArea() {
return (sides.get(0) * sides.get(1));
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Rectangle - Perimeter : " + calculatePerimeter() +" - Area : " +calculateArea());
public boolean equals(Rectangle1 rectangle1){
int i;
return false;
return true;
public boolean isSquare(){
return (sides.get(0).equals(sides.get(1)));
public String toString() {
return "Rectangle, side1 : "+sides.get(0) +",side2 : "+sides.get(1)+
",side3 : "+sides.get(2)+",side4 : " +sides.get(3) +"\n";
* an abstract class that shares common methods among all shapes
public abstract class Shape {
* each shape has a method to calcualte its perimeter
* @return perimeter of the shape
public abstract int calculatePerimeter();
* each shape has a method to calculate its area
* @return area of the shape
public abstract int calculateArea();
* each shape has a method to print shape type, perimeter, area
public abstract void draw();
* each shape has a method to check if its equal to another shape
* @param shape Shape second shape
* @return true if two shapes are equal, false if not
public abstract boolean equals(Shape shape);
* returns shape information as a String
* @return shape information as a String
public abstract String toString();
* Triangle class implements methods from Shape class
public class Triangle extends Polygon{
public Triangle(int s1,int s2,int s3){
public int calculateArea() {
double area;
int p = calculatePerimeter()/2;
area = Math.sqrt(p * (p-sides.get(0)) * (p - sides.get(1)) * (p - sides.get(2)));
return (int)Math.round(area);
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Triangle - Perimeter : " + calculatePerimeter() +" - Area : " +calculateArea());
public boolean equals(Shape shape) {
if(!(shape instanceof Triangle)){
return false;
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){
if(!sides.get(i).equals(((Triangle) shape).sides.get(i))){
return false;
return true;
public boolean isEquilateral(){
return (sides.get(0).equals(sides.get(1)) && sides.get(1).equals(sides.get(2)));
public String toString() {
return "Triangle ,side1 : " +sides.get(0)+",side2 : "+sides.get(1)+",side3 : "+sides.get(2)+"\n";
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Triangle class without inheritance
public class Triangle1 {
private ArrayList<Integer> sides;
public Triangle1(int x,int y, int z){
sides = new ArrayList<>();
public int calculatePerimeter(){
return (sides.get(0) + sides.get(1) + sides.get(2));
public int calculateArea() {
double area;
int p = calculatePerimeter()/2;
area = Math.sqrt(p * (p-sides.get(0)) * (p - sides.get(1)) * (p - sides.get(2)));
return (int)Math.round(area);
public void draw() {
System.out.println("Triangle - Perimeter : " + calculatePerimeter() +" - Area : " +calculateArea());
public boolean isEquilateral(){
return (sides.get(0).equals(sides.get(1)) && sides.get(1).equals(sides.get(2)));
public boolean equals(Triangle1 triangle1){
return sides.get(0).equals(triangle1.sides.get(0)) && sides.get(1).equals(triangle1.sides.get(1)) && sides.get(2).equals(triangle1.sides.get(2));
public String toString() {
return "Triangle ,side1 : " +sides.get(0)+",side2 : "+sides.get(1)+",side3 : "+sides.get(2)+"\n";
public ArrayList<Integer> getSides() {
return sides;
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