State of workshop2

Pipeline #2157 failed with stages
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public class Lab {
private Student[] students = new Student[10];
private double avg;
private String day;
private int capacity;
private int currentSize = 0;
public Lab(int cap, String d) {
capacity = cap;
day = d;
public void enrollStudent(Student std) {
if (currentSize < capacity) {
students[currentSize] = std;
} else {
System.out.println("Lab is full!!!");
public void printLab() {
System.out.println("Average = " + getAvg());
System.out.println("Capacity = " + capacity);
System.out.println("Day = " + day);
System.out.println("Current size = " + currentSize);
public Student[] getStudents() {
return students;
public void setStudents(Student[] students) {
this.students = students;
capacity = students.length;
public double calculateAvg() {
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
sum += students[i].getGrade();
return (double)sum / currentSize;
public double getAvg(){
return calculateAvg();
public String getDay() {
return day;
public void setAvg(String day){ = day;
public int getCapacity() {
return capacity;
public void setCapacity(int cap){
capacity = cap;
public void printMember(){
double sum = 0;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < currentSize; i++){
sum += students[i].getGrade();
double v = sum / i;
System.out.println("Average of : "+v);
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student[] s = new Student[12];
s[0] = new Student("s0", "ss0", "0000000", 18);
s[1] = new Student("s1", "ss1", "1111111", 12);
s[2] = new Student("s2", "ss2", "2222222", 10);
s[3] = new Student("s3", "ss3", "3333333", 14);
s[4] = new Student("s4", "ss4", "4444444", 20);
s[5] = new Student("s5", "ss5", "5555555", 18);
s[6] = new Student("s6", "ss6", "6666666", 19);
s[7] = new Student("s7", "ss7", "7777777", 17);
s[8] = new Student("s8", "ss8", "8888888", 11);
Lab[] az = new Lab[9];
az[0] = new Lab(20, "Sunday");
az[1] = new Lab(10, "Monday");
az[2] = new Lab(3, "Tuesday");
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
University uni = new University("Computer Engineering", 3);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
System.out.println("Name of university : "+uni.getName());
System.out.println("Number of labs : "+uni.getCurrentLab());
System.out.println("Capasity of university : "+uni.getSum());
System.out.println("Average of all of students in university : "+uni.getAverage());
* The student class represents a student in a student administration system.
* It holds the students details relevant in our context.
* @author MohammadaliKeshtparvar & ArminRezaei
* @version 0.0
public class Student {
// the student's first name.
private String firstName;
// the student's last name.
private String lastName;
// the student ID.
private String id;
// the grade.
private int grade;
* Create a new student with a given name and ID number.
* @param fName first name of student.
* @param lName last name of student.
* @param sID student ID.
public Student (String fName, String lName, String sID, int sGrade){
firstName = fName;
lastName = lName;
id = sID;
grade = sGrade;
* Get the first name of student.
* @return firstName field.
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
* @param fName set first name of a student.
public void setFirstName(String fName) {
firstName = fName;
* Get the first name of student.
* @return firstName field.
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
* @param lName set first name of a student.
public void setLastName(String lName) {
lastName = lName;
* Get the last name of student.
* @return lastName field.
public String getId() {
return id;
* @param sID set id of a student.
public void setId(String sID) {
id = sID;
* Get the grade of student.
* @return grade field.
public int getGrade() {
return grade;
* @param sGrade set grade of a student.
public void setGrade(int sGrade) {
grade = sGrade;
* Print the student's name and id number to the output terminal.
public void print() {
System.out.println(firstName+""+lastName+" , StudentID:"+id+" , Grade:"+grade);
public class University {
private Lab[] lab = new Lab[20];
private double average;
private int currentLab = 0;
private String name;
private int sum;
public University(String name, int sum) { = name;
this.sum = sum;
public void enrollLab(Lab c) {
if (currentLab < sum) {
lab[currentLab] = c;
} else {
System.out.println("Lab is full!!!");
public void setLab(Lab[] lab) {
this.lab = lab;
public Lab[] getLab() {
return lab;
public int getCurrentLab() {
return currentLab;
public void setCurrentLab(int currentLab) {
this.currentLab = currentLab;
public double calculating() {
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < currentLab; i++){
sum += lab[i].getAvg();
return (double)sum / currentLab;
public double getAverage() {
return calculating();
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public int getSum() {
return sum;
public void setSum(int sum) {
this.sum = sum;
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