Commit b95e5b9d authored by 9731301's avatar 9731301

Add calculations the winner Othello class

parent afc1cdc2
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ public class Othello {
ArrayList <Block> blocks = new ArrayList<Block>();
User user1 = new User();
User user2 = new User();
User chosenUser = new User();
Character c = 'n';
int numberOfEmptyBlocksAtTheEnd = 0;
int row;
......@@ -35,11 +36,11 @@ public class Othello {
while (!(c.equals('b') || c.equals('w'))) {
System.out.println("plz enter user1 color w or b");
c =;
c = sc.nextLine().charAt(0);
System.out.println("plz enter user2 name");
if (user1.getColor().equals('w'))
......@@ -64,13 +65,28 @@ public class Othello {
while (true) {
System.out.println("plz enter your choice for example :3 a");
System.out.println("turn is for : " + chosenBlock.getColor());
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
System.out.println("turn is for : " + chosenUser.getName()+" that color is:"+chosenUser.getColor()+" plz enter your choice for example: 3 a");
String input = sc.nextLine().trim();
String[] inputArray = input.split(" ");
row = Integer.parseInt(inputArray[0])-1;
if (row > 8 || row <= 0){
System.out.println(" enter again correctly");
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
if (inputArray[1].toLowerCase().equals("a"))
column = 0;
else if (inputArray[1].toLowerCase().equals("b"))
......@@ -88,39 +104,317 @@ public class Othello {
else if (inputArray[1].toLowerCase().equals("h"))
column = 7;
else {
System.out.println("enter again correctly");
System.out.println(" enter again correctly");
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
int flag = 0;
int flag1 = 0;// to check if neighbor has same color stop checking
int flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
int flag3 = 0;
for (Block b : blocks){
if (b.getColumn() == column && b.getRow() == row){
if ((b.getColor().equals('b') || b.getColor().equals('w') )){
flag = 1;
else {
//check down
for (int i = row + 1; i < 8; i++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() + 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;// flag1 is to stop loop if down neighbor has same color
if (flag2 == 1) {// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getRow() == i && block1.getColumn() == column && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int rowIndex = row; rowIndex <= block1.getRow(); rowIndex++) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getColumn() == column && block2.getRow() == rowIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
//check up
flag1 = 0;//flag1 is to stop loop if up neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() - 1 && block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getRow() == i && block1.getColumn() == column && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int rowIndex = row; rowIndex >= block1.getRow(); rowIndex--) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getColumn() == column && block2.getRow() == rowIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
//check right
flag1 = 0;// flag1 is to stop loop if right neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = column + 1; i < 8; i++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getColumn() == i && block1.getRow() == row && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int columnIndex = column; columnIndex <= block1.getRow(); columnIndex++) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getRow() == row && block2.getColumn() == columnIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
//check left
flag1 = 0;// flag1 is to stop loop if left neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = column - 1; i >= 0; i--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getColumn() == i && block1.getRow() == row && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int columnIndex = column; columnIndex >= block1.getRow(); columnIndex--) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getRow() == row && block2.getColumn() == columnIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
//check down and right
flag1 = 0;// flag1 is to stop loop if down_right neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = column + 1, j = row + 1; i < 8 && j < 8; i++, j++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() + 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getColumn() == i && block1.getRow() == j && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int columnIndex = column, rowIndex = row; rowIndex <= block1.getRow() && rowIndex <= block1.getRow(); columnIndex++, rowIndex++) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getRow() == rowIndex && block2.getColumn() == columnIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1) {
//check down and left
flag1 = 0;// flag1 is to stop loop if down_left neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = column - 1, j = row + 1; i > -1 && j < 8; i--, j++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() + 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getColumn() == i && block1.getRow() == j && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int columnIndex = column, rowIndex = row; rowIndex >= block1.getColumn() && rowIndex <= block1.getRow(); columnIndex--, rowIndex++) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getRow() == rowIndex && block2.getColumn() == columnIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
//check up and right
flag1 = 0;// flag1 is to stop loop if up_right neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = column + 1, j = row - 1; i < 8 && j > -1; i++, j--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() - 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getColumn() == i && block1.getRow() == j && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int columnIndex = column, rowIndex = row; columnIndex <= block1.getColumn() && rowIndex >= block1.getRow(); columnIndex++, rowIndex--) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getRow() == rowIndex && block2.getColumn() == columnIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
//check up and left
flag1 = 0;// flag1 is to stop loop if up_left neighbor has same color
flag2 = 0;// to not change " w b b b w b b w " to "w w w w w w w w"
for (int i = column - 1, j = row - 1; i > -1 && j > -1; i--, j--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == chosenBlock.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == chosenBlock.getRow() - 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor()) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
if (flag2 == 1) {
if (!block1.getColor().equals('n') && block1.getColumn() == i && block1.getRow() == j && block1.getColor().equals(chosenUser.getColor())) {
for (int columnIndex = column, rowIndex = row; columnIndex >= block1.getColumn() && rowIndex >= block1.getRow(); columnIndex--, rowIndex--) {
for (Block block2 : blocks) {
if (block2.getRow() == rowIndex && block2.getColumn() == columnIndex) {//change color of blocks in 2 blocks with same color
flag2 = 1;
flag3 = 1;
if (flag1 == 1)
if (flag3 == 0){
System.out.println("you entered wrong block try again");
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
if (flag == 1){
System.out.println("block is not empty try again");
if (chosenUser.equals(user1)){
chosenUser = user2;
else {
chosenUser = user1;
else {
System.out.println(" a b c d e f g h ");
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){
System.out.print(i+1+" ");
for (int j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j++){
for (Block b : blocks){
if (b.getRow() == i && b.getColumn() == j){
System.out.print(b.getColor()+" ");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
System.out.print(i + 1 + " ");
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
for (Block b : blocks) {
if (b.getRow() == i && b.getColumn() == j) {
System.out.print(b.getColor() + " ");
for (Block b : blocks){
if (b.getColor().equals(user1.getColor())){
else if (b.getColor().equals(user2.getColor())){
else {
numberOfEmptyBlocksAtTheEnd ++;
System.out.println(user1.getName() + " = " + user1.getUserBlocks().size()+"_______" + user2.getName() + " = " +user2.getUserBlocks().size());
if (user1.isAvailableBlockToPick(b,blocks)){
......@@ -134,6 +428,27 @@ public class Othello {
System.out.println(user1.getName() + " = " + user1.getUserBlocks().size()+"_______" + user2.getName() + " = " +user2.getUserBlocks().size());
if (chosenUser.getAvailableBlocksToPick().size() == 0) {
if (user1.getAvailableBlocksToPick().size() == 0 && user2.getAvailableBlocksToPick().size() == 0){
if (user1.getUserBlocks() == user2.getUserBlocks()){
System.out.println("equal "+user1.getUserBlocks());
else if (user1.getUserBlocks().size() > user2.getUserBlocks().size()){
System.out.println(user1.getName() + " = " + user1.getUserBlocks().size()+numberOfEmptyBlocksAtTheEnd +"_______" +user2.getName() + " = " +user2.getUserBlocks().size());
System.out.println(user1.getName() + " won");
else {
System.out.println(user1.getName() + " = " + user1.getUserBlocks().size() + "_______"+user2.getName() + " = " +user2.getUserBlocks().size() +numberOfEmptyBlocksAtTheEnd);
System.out.println(user2.getName()+" won");
......@@ -14,9 +14,13 @@ public class User {
public void removeBlock(Block block){
public boolean isAvailableBlockToPick(Block block , ArrayList<Block> blocks ) {
int i, j;
int flag1 = 0;
int flag1 = 0;// for checking neighbors has same color in each step or not
int flag2 = 0;
int flag3 = 0;// to know you can pick an empty block with help of checking changing color
if (!block.getColor().equals('n')) {
......@@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ public class User {
//check down
for (i = block.getRow(); i > 8; i++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getRow() == block.getRow() + 1 && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() + 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -46,9 +50,9 @@ public class User {
//check up
flag1 = 0;
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getRow() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (i = block.getRow() - 1; i > -1; i--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getRow() == block.getRow() - 1 && block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getRow() == block.getRow() - 1 && block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ public class User {
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getColumn() + 1; i < 8; i++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -90,9 +94,9 @@ public class User {
//check left
flag1 = 0;
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getColumn() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (i = block.getColumn() - 1; i > -1; i--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() &&( block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ public class User {
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getColumn() + 1, j = block.getRow() - 1; i < 8 && j > -1; i++, j--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() + 1 && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() + 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ public class User {
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getColumn() - 1, j = block.getRow() + 1; i > -1 && j < 8; i--, j++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() + 1 && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() + 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -159,7 +163,7 @@ public class User {
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getColumn() + 1, j = block.getRow() + 1; i < 8 && j < 8; i++, j++) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() - 1 && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() + 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() - 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -179,9 +183,9 @@ public class User {
//check up and left
flag1 = 0;
flag2 = 0;
for (i = block.getColumn() - 1, j = block.getRow() - 1; i < -1 && j < -1; i--, j--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (i = block.getColumn() - 1, j = block.getRow() - 1; i > -1 && j > -1; i--, j--) {// find the next block with chosen block color
for (Block block1 : blocks) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() - 1 && block1.getColor().equals(color)) {
if (block1.getColumn() == block.getColumn() - 1 && block1.getRow() == block.getRow() - 1 && (block1.getColor().equals(color) || block1.getColor().equals('n'))) {
flag1 = 1;
......@@ -238,5 +242,20 @@ public class User { = name;
public ArrayList<Block> getAvailableBlocksToPick() {
return availableBlocksToPick;
public void setAvailableBlocksToPick(ArrayList<Block> availableBlocksToPick) {
this.availableBlocksToPick = availableBlocksToPick;
public ArrayList<Block> getUserBlocks() {
return userBlocks;
public void setUserBlocks(ArrayList<Block> userBlocks) {
this.userBlocks = userBlocks;
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