Commit 472e1a5d authored by 9731050's avatar 9731050


parent 7efa2917
import java.util.ArrayList;
public abstract class AbstractEmployee extends Person implements AccountingInterface{
protected ArrayList<Statement> bankStatments = new ArrayList<Statement>();
protected String position;
protected double basicIncome,currentIncome;
public AbstractEmployee(String firstName, String lastName, String ID, int joiningYear, Department department, String position, double basicIncome) {
super(firstName, lastName, ID, joiningYear, department);
this.position = position;
this.basicIncome = basicIncome;
public abstract boolean isPromotable();
public void addBankStatement(Statement s) { bankStatments.add(s); }
public AbstractEmployee callEmployee() {
return this;
public double callCurrentIncome() {
return callCurrentIncome();
public ArrayList<Statement> getBankStatments() {
return bankStatments;
public String getPosition() {
return position;
public void setPosition(String position) { this.position = position; }
public double getBasicIncome() {
return basicIncome;
public void setBasicIncome(double basicIncome) { this.basicIncome = basicIncome; }
public void setCurrentIncome(double currentIncome) { this.currentIncome = currentIncome; }
public double calCurrentIncome()
return currentIncome;
public interface AccountingInterface {
public AbstractEmployee callEmployee();
public double callCurrentIncome();
public class Statement {
private double amount;
private AbstractEmployee reciever;
public Statement(double amount, AbstractEmployee reciever) {
this.amount = amount;
this.reciever = reciever;
public double getAmount() {
return amount;
public void setAmount(double amount) {
this.amount = amount;
public AbstractEmployee getReciever() {
return reciever;
public void setReciever(AbstractEmployee reciver) {
this.reciever = reciever;
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