Commit 37cd869b authored by Ardavan_Roozkhosh's avatar Ardavan_Roozkhosh

executable files and codes

Pipeline #2737 failed with stages
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
<Option title="BSE" />
<Option pch_mode="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Target title="Debug">
<Option output="bin/Debug/BSE" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="obj/Debug/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Add option="-g" />
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<Option object_output="obj/Release/" />
<Option type="1" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Add option="-O2" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add option="-Wall" />
<Unit filename="main.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
<code_completion />
<envvars />
<debugger />
<lib_finder disable_auto="1" />
# depslib dependency file v1.0
1516644319 source:c:\users\ardavan\desktop\coding\bse\bse\main.c
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct treenode {
char word[30];
int occurence;
struct treenode *left;
struct treenode *right;
struct sum{
char lname[30];
char fname[30];
char title[30];
struct treenode * node;
struct sum * next;
struct sum* sumadd(struct treenode *myroot, struct sum *current_list); //adds the binary tree to the info for the file
struct treenode* insert(struct treenode *root, struct treenode *temp); //inserts the new word into the tree
struct treenode* create_node(char val[30]);//creates the node that will be inserted
void preorder(struct treenode * current_ptr);//prints the preorder traversal of the binary tree
int find(struct treenode *current_ptr, char val[]);//finds the word that is being searched for and returns its occurence
void clear(struct treenode * myroot);
int hight(struct treenode *root);//finds the height of the binary tree
int main(void){
int action=0, entries=0, words=0, score=0, tmpscore=0, height = 0;
int j=0, str = 0, x=0, m=0,i=0;
char over[30] = {'D','O','C','U','M','E','N','T','_','O','V','E','R'};
char **query, filename[30], word[30], fname[30], lname[30], title[30];
FILE *fp;
struct treenode *temp= NULL, *root = NULL;
struct sum * current_list, * temp_list;
current_list = (struct sum *)malloc(sizeof(struct sum));
printf("Which action would you like to perfrom?\n"
" 1) Loading file into the database.\n"
" 2) searching the database.\n"
" 3) Quit the program.\n");
scanf("%d", &action);
while(action <= 3){
if(action == 1){
printf("\nEnter the name of your file: ");
scanf("%s", filename);
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if(fp == NULL){
printf("\n\nSorry, that is an invalid file\n");
return 0;
fscanf(fp, "%d", &entries);
while(x < entries) {
words = 0;
fscanf(fp,"%s%s%s", current_list->fname, current_list->lname, current_list->title);
do {
fscanf(fp, "%s", word);
if(strcmp(word,"DOCUMENT_OVER") !=0){
str = strlen(word);
while(i < str){
word[i] = tolower(word[i]);
temp = create_node(word);
root = insert(root, temp);
while(strcmp(word, "DOCUMENT_OVER") != 0);
current_list = sumadd(root, current_list);
printf("Title is: %s\n", current_list->title);
printf("Number of words: %d\n", words);
printf("Height of the tree is: %d\n", hight(current_list->node));
if(action ==2){
printf("\nHow many words are in your query?\n");
scanf("%d", &words);
printf("\nWhich words would you like to search for?\n");
query = (char **)malloc(words * sizeof(char *)+1);
for(i=0; i < words; i++){
query[i] = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char));
printf("%d). ", i+1);
scanf("%s", query[i]);
str = strlen(query[i]);
while(j< str){
query[i][j] = tolower(query[i][j]);
temp_list = current_list;
while(i < words){
//while the list isn't empty
while(temp_list != NULL){
//print the required info
printf("Title is: %s\n", temp_list->title);
printf("Last Name is: %s\n", temp_list->lname);
printf("Fist Name is: %s\n", temp_list->fname);
score = find(temp_list->node, query[i]);
if(score == 0){
printf("Sorry no matching word was found.\n\n");
printf("Score = %d\n\n", score);
temp_list = temp_list->next;
if (action ==3){//program terminates
printf("GOOD BYE\n\n");
return 0;
printf("Which action would you like to perfrom?\n"
" 1) Loading a file into the database.\n"
" 2) searching the database.\n"
" 3) Quit the program.\n");
scanf("%d", &action);
return 0;
struct treenode* insert(struct treenode *root, struct treenode *temp){
// element should be inserted to the right.
// Inserting into an empty tree.
if (root == NULL){
root = (struct treenode*)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode));
strcpy(root->word, temp->word);
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
root->occurence = 1;
if(strcmp(root->word, temp->word) == 0){
// There is a right subtree to insert the node.
else if(strcmp(root->word, temp->word) > 0){
if (root->right != NULL){
root->right = insert(root->right, temp);
// Place the node directly to the right of root.
root->right = (struct treenode*)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode));
strcpy(root->right->word, temp->word);
root->right->left = NULL;
root->right->right = NULL;
root->right->occurence = 1;
else if(strcmp(root->word, temp->word) < 0){
// There is a left subtree to insert the node.
if (root->left != NULL){
root->left = insert(root->left, temp);
// Place the node directly to the left of root.
root->left = (struct treenode*)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode));
strcpy(root->left->word, temp->word);
root->left->left = NULL;
root->left->right = NULL;
root->left->occurence = 1;
return root;
int find(struct treenode *current_ptr, char val[]) {
// Check if there are nodes in the tree.
if (current_ptr != NULL) {
// Found the value at the root.
if (strcmp(current_ptr->word, val) == 0){
return current_ptr->occurence;
// Search to the left.
if (strcmp(current_ptr->word, val) < 0) {
return find(current_ptr->left, val);
// to the right.
if(strcmp(current_ptr->word, val) > 0) {
return find(current_ptr->right, val);
// else
return 0;
struct sum* sumadd(struct treenode *myroot, struct sum * current_list)
int i=0;
struct sum * pNew;
//allocate memory for the new document
pNew = (struct sum *) (malloc(sizeof(struct sum)));
//store the tree in the document
pNew->node = myroot;
pNew->next = NULL;
//if its the first document
if(current_list == NULL)
current_list = pNew;
//add document to the existing list
pNew->next = current_list;
current_list = pNew ;
return current_list;
struct treenode * create_node(char val[30]){
// Asumocate space for the node, set the fields.
struct treenode * temp;
temp = (struct treenode*)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode));
temp->left = NULL;
temp->right = NULL;
return temp; // Return a pointer to the created node.
void preorder(struct treenode * current_ptr) {
// Only traverse the node if it's not nusum.
if (current_ptr != NULL) {
printf("%s \t%d\n", current_ptr->word, current_ptr->occurence);// Print the root.
preorder(current_ptr->left); // Go Left.
preorder(current_ptr->right); // Go Right.
int hight(struct treenode *root){
int right, left;
//if the tree is empty height is zero
if (root == NULL) {
return 0;
//find the height of the tree by adding 1 each time
left = 1 + hight(root->left);
right = 1 + hight(root->right);
//return the largest branch (either left of right)
if (left > right) {
return left;
else {
return right;
void clear(struct treenode * myroot){
//free the memory for the tree
if (myroot != NULL) {
clear(myroot->left); // Go Left.
free(myroot); // free the root.
clear(myroot->right); // Go Right.
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