Commit 7bc51122 authored by kimia's avatar kimia


parent 633367f9
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\ No newline at end of file
public class Bishop extends Piece { public class Bishop extends Piece {
public Bishop(Cell cell, Color color) { public Bishop(Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
super(cell, color) ; super(cell, pieceColor) ;
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
if (super.isDeleted()) return false ; if (super.isDeleted()) return false ;
int sw=0 ; int sw=0 ;
if (super.getColor() == Color.BLACK) { if (super.getPieceColor() == PieceColor.BLACK) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ; if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ;
} }
...@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ class Cell { ...@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ class Cell {
this.col = col ; this.col = col ;
this.empty = true ; this.empty = true ;
} }
public Cell(Cell c){
if(c == null) return;
this.row = c.getRow();
this.col = c.col;
this.empty = c.empty;
public int getRow() { public int getRow() {
return row ; return row ;
...@@ -34,6 +40,6 @@ class Cell { ...@@ -34,6 +40,6 @@ class Cell {
} }
enum Color { enum PieceColor {
} }
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ChessBoardGUI extends JPanel {
public JButton[][] button = new JButton[8][8];
JPanel removedPiecePanel;
JButton removedPieces[][] = new JButton[8][4];
private int wORb = 0;
private Piece pw[];
private Piece pb[];
private Player white;
private Player black;
private Cell board[][];
private Cell source;
private Cell dest;
private boolean[][] moveBoard = null;
public ArrayList<Piece> deletedList = new ArrayList<>();
public ChessBoardGUI(JPanel removedPiecePanel){
// setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
setLayout(new GridLayout(8,8));
Piece pieceBoard[][] = getUpdatedBoard();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
button[i][j] = new JButton();
int finalI = i;
int finalJ = j;
button[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon(pieceBoard[i][j].getPieceImage()));
button[i][j].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// System.out.println(finalJ +","+ finalI);
source = new Cell(dest);
dest = new Cell(finalI,finalJ);
if(moveBoard[finalI][finalJ] && source!=null && dest!=null){
// System.out.println("Moves");
int condition = checkCondition(board,pw,pb);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(removedPiecePanel,"Condition White");
else if(condition==1){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(removedPiecePanel,"Condition Black");
moveBoard = moves(dest);
if(moveBoard !=null){
else {
// setVisible(true);
private void inilizeRemovedPiecePanel(){
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ;i++){
for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ;j++) {
removedPieces[i][j] = new JButton();
// added.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(50,50));
removedPiecePanel.add( removedPieces[i][j]);
private void updateDeletedPanel(){
int wCount = 0;
int bCount = 0;
for (Piece p : deletedList){
if(p.getPieceColor()==PieceColor.WHITE) {
int i = wCount % 8;
int j = wCount / 8;
removedPieces[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon(p.getPieceImage()));
}else {
int i = bCount % 8;
int j = bCount / 8;
removedPieces[i][3-j].setIcon(new ImageIcon(p.getPieceImage()));
private void buttonRepaint(){
Piece[][] pieceBoard = getUpdatedBoard();
for (int i = 0 ;i<8 ;i++){
for (int j = 0 ; j < 8 ;j++){
if(pieceBoard[i][j]!=null) {
button[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon(pieceBoard[i][j].getPieceImage()));
}else {
button[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon());
else {
private void updateGUIBoard(boolean [][] moveBoard){
if(moveBoard ==null) return;;
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ;i++){
for (int j =0 ; j < 8 ;j++){
// System.out.println("Reach Thereeee...");
} else {
else {
public void initlizeGame(){
white = new Player(PieceColor.WHITE) ;
black = new Player(PieceColor.BLACK) ;
pw = white.getPieces() ;
pb = black.getPieces() ;
board = new Cell[8][8] ;
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
board[i][j] = new Cell (i,j) ;
for (Piece p:pw) {
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p.getCell() ;
for (Piece p:pb) {
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p.getCell() ;
public boolean[][] moves(Cell source){
boolean[][] binaryBoard = new boolean[8][8];
if (wORb%2==0) {
for (Piece p : pw){
if(p.getCell().getRow() == source.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==source.getCol()){
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8;i++){
for (int j = 0 ; j < 8 ;j++){
Cell dest = new Cell(i,j);
binaryBoard[i][j] = true;
return binaryBoard;
}else {
for (Piece p : pb){
if(p.getCell().getRow() == source.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==source.getCol()){
for (int i = 0 ; i < 8;i++){
for (int j = 0 ; j < 8 ;j++){
Cell dest = new Cell(i,j);
binaryBoard[i][j] = true;
return binaryBoard;
return null;
public boolean movePiece(Cell source, Cell dest){
if (wORb%2==0) {
for (Piece p : pw) {
if (p.getCell().getRow() == source.getRow() &&
p.getCell().getCol() == source.getCol()) {
if (p.isValidMove(dest, board, pw, pb)) {
for (Piece p1 : pb) {
if (p1.getCell().getRow() == dest.getRow() && p1.getCell().getCol() == dest.getCol()) {
if (p instanceof Pawn) {
Pawn myPawn = (Pawn) p;
for (Piece blackPiece : pb) {
if (blackPiece.getCell().getRow() == dest.getRow()
&& blackPiece.getCell().getCol() == dest.getCol()) {
return true;
}else {
for (Piece p:pb) {
if (p.getCell().getRow()==source.getRow() &&
p.getCell().getCol() == source.getCol())
if (p.isValidMove(dest, board, pw, pb) ) {
wORb++ ;
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(true) ;
p.setCell(dest) ;
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(false) ;
for (Piece p1:pw) {
if (p1.getCell().getRow()==dest.getRow() && p1.getCell().getCol()==dest.getCol()) {
p1.setDeleted(true) ;
if (p instanceof Pawn) {
Pawn myPawn = (Pawn) p;
myPawn.setOnce(false) ;
for (Piece whitePiece:pw) {
if (whitePiece.getCell().getRow()==dest.getRow()
&& whitePiece.getCell().getCol()==dest.getCol()) {
return true;
return false;
public Piece[][] getUpdatedBoard(){
Piece[][] pieceboard = new Piece[8][8];
Piece pw[] = white.getPieces() ;
Piece pb[] = black.getPieces() ;
for (Piece p : pw){
pieceboard[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p;
for (Piece p : pb){
pieceboard[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p;
return pieceboard;
private int checkCondition(Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
for (Piece p:pw) {
if (p instanceof King) {
int sw1=0 ;
for (Piece p1:pb) {
if (p1.isValidMove(p.getCell(), board, pw, pb)) {
sw1=1 ;
System.out.println("Check condition for White player!!");
return 1;
for (Piece p:pb) {
if (p instanceof King) {
int sw1=0 ;
for (Piece p1:pw) {
if (p1.isValidMove(p.getCell(), board, pw, pb)) {
sw1=1 ;
if(sw1==1) {
System.out.println("Check condition for Balck player!!") ;
return 2;
return 0;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class ChessGameGUI extends JFrame {
public static void main(String args[]){
new ChessGameGUI();
public ChessGameGUI(){
JPanel parent = new JPanel();
parent.setLayout(new BoxLayout(parent,BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(8,4));
JPanel gameBoard = new ChessBoardGUI(p1);
public class King extends Piece { public class King extends Piece {
public King(Cell cell, Color color) { public King(Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
super(cell, color) ; super(cell, pieceColor) ;
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
if (super.isDeleted()) return false ; if (super.isDeleted()) return false ;
int sw=0 ; int sw=0 ;
if (super.getColor() == Color.BLACK) { if (super.getPieceColor() == PieceColor.BLACK) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ; if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ;
} }
...@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ ...@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
public class Knight extends Piece { public class Knight extends Piece {
public Knight(Cell cell, Color color) { public Knight(Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
super(cell, color) ; super(cell, pieceColor) ;
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
if (super.isDeleted()) return false ; if (super.isDeleted()) return false ;
int sw=0 ; int sw=0 ;
if (super.getColor() == Color.BLACK) { if (super.getPieceColor() == PieceColor.BLACK) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ; if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ;
} }
import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main{ public class Main{
/** /**
*prints board and control the moves of the pieces *prints board and control the moves of the pieces
*@author kimiadorani *@author kimiadorani
*@version 1.0 *@version 1.0
*@since 2019-5-7 *@since 2019-5-7
*/ */
private static char boardChar[][] = new char [8][8] ;
private static void printBoard() { private static char boardChar[][] = new char [8][8] ;
for (int i=1 ; i<9 ; ++i) {
System.out.print(" " + i) ; private static void printBoard() {
} for (int i=1 ; i<9 ; ++i) {
System.out.print("\n ") ; System.out.print(" " + i) ;
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) }
System.out.print("+---") ; System.out.print("\n ") ;
System.out.print("+\n") ; for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i)
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) { System.out.print("+---") ;
System.out.print( (char)(i+'a') ) ; System.out.print("+\n") ;
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) { for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
System.out.print("| " + boardChar[i][j] + " ") ; System.out.print( (char)(i+'a') ) ;
} for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
System.out.print("|\n ") ; System.out.print("| " + boardChar[i][j] + " ") ;
for (int i2=0 ; i2<8 ; ++i2) }
System.out.print("+---") ; System.out.print("|\n ") ;
System.out.print("+\n") ; for (int i2=0 ; i2<8 ; ++i2)
} System.out.print("+---") ;
System.out.print("+\n") ;
} }
private static void updateBoard(Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { private static void updateBoard(Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) { for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) { for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
boardChar[i][j] = ' ' ; boardChar[i][j] = ' ' ;
} }
} }
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (p.isDeleted()) continue ; if (p.isDeleted()) continue ;
if (p instanceof Pawn) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'P' ; if (p instanceof Pawn) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'P' ;
if (p instanceof Bishop) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'B' ; if (p instanceof Bishop) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'B' ;
if (p instanceof Queen) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'Q' ; if (p instanceof Queen) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'Q' ;
if (p instanceof King) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = '$' ; if (p instanceof King) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = '$' ;
if (p instanceof Rook) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'R' ; if (p instanceof Rook) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'R' ;
if (p instanceof Knight) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'K' ; if (p instanceof Knight) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'K' ;
for (Piece p:pb) {
if (p.isDeleted()) continue ;
if (p instanceof Pawn) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'P' ;
if (p instanceof Bishop) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'B' ;
if (p instanceof Queen) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'Q' ;
if (p instanceof King) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = '$' ;
if (p instanceof Rook) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'R' ;
if (p instanceof Knight) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'K' ;
private static void checkCondition(Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
for (Piece p:pw) {
if (p instanceof King) {
int sw1=0 ;
for (Piece p1:pb) {
if (p1.isValidMove(p.getCell(), board, pw, pb)) {
sw1=1 ;
} }
for (Piece p:pb) { if(sw1==1) System.out.println("Check condition for White player!!") ;
if (p.isDeleted()) continue ; }
if (p instanceof Pawn) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'P' ; }
if (p instanceof Bishop) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'B' ; for (Piece p:pb) {
if (p instanceof Queen) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'Q' ; if (p instanceof King) {
if (p instanceof King) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = '$' ; int sw1=0 ;
if (p instanceof Rook) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'R' ; for (Piece p1:pw) {
if (p instanceof Knight) boardChar[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = 'K' ; if (p1.isValidMove(p.getCell(), board, pw, pb)) {
sw1=1 ;
} }
if(sw1==1) System.out.println("Check condition for Balck player!!") ;
} }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner( ;
Player white = new Player(PieceColor.WHITE) ;
Player black = new Player(PieceColor.BLACK) ;
Piece pw[] = white.getPieces() ;
Piece pb[] = black.getPieces() ;
Cell board[][] = new Cell[8][8] ;
private static void checkCondition(Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
board[i][j] = new Cell (i,j) ;
for (Piece p:pw) {
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p.getCell() ;
for (Piece p:pb) {
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p.getCell() ;
int wORb = 0 ;
updateBoard(pw, pb) ;
printBoard() ;
while (true) {
if (wORb%2==0) System.out.println("White player turn") ;
else System.out.println("Black player turn") ;
String s = in.nextLine() ;
if (s.length()==2) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (p instanceof King) { if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' &&
int sw1=0 ; p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0') {
for (Piece p1:pb) { for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
if (p1.isValidMove(p.getCell(), board, pw, pb)) { for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
sw1=1 ; if (p.isValidMove(board[i][j], board, pw, pb)) {
} System.out.print( (char)((int)'a'+i) ) ;
System.out.println(j+1) ;
} }
if(sw1==1) System.out.println("Check condition for White player!!") ; }
} }
} }
for (Piece p:pb) { for (Piece p:pb) {
if (p instanceof King) { if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' &&
int sw1=0 ; p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0') {
for (Piece p1:pw) { for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
if (p1.isValidMove(p.getCell(), board, pw, pb)) { for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
sw1=1 ; if (p.isValidMove(board[i][j], board, pw, pb)) {
} System.out.print( (char)((int)'a'+i) ) ;
System.out.println(j+1) ;
} }
if(sw1==1) System.out.println("Check condition for Balck player!!") ; }
} }
public static void main(String[] args) { }
Scanner in = new Scanner( ;
Player white = new Player(Color.WHITE) ;
Player black = new Player(Color.BLACK) ;
Piece pw[] = white.getPieces() ;
Piece pb[] = black.getPieces() ;
Cell board[][] = new Cell[8][8] ;
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
board[i][j] = new Cell (i,j) ;
} }
for (Piece p:pw) { }
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p.getCell() ; else if (s.length()==5) {
} if (wORb%2==0) {
for (Piece p:pb) { for (Piece p:pw) {
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()] = p.getCell() ; if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' &&
} p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0') {
int wORb = 0 ; if (p.isValidMove(board[s.charAt(3)-'a'][s.charAt(4)-'1'], board, pw, pb)) {
updateBoard(pw, pb) ; wORb++ ;
printBoard() ; Cell tmp = new Cell(s.charAt(3)-'a', s.charAt(4)-'1') ;
while (true) { board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(true) ;
if (wORb%2==0) System.out.println("White player turn") ; p.setCell(tmp) ;
else System.out.println("Black player turn") ; board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(false) ;
String s = in.nextLine() ; for (Piece p1:pb) {
if (s.length()==2) { if (p1.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow() && p1.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol()) {
for (Piece p:pw) { p1.setDeleted(true) ;
if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' && }
p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0') {
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) {
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) {
if (p.isValidMove(board[i][j], board, pw, pb)) {
System.out.print( (char)((int)'a'+i) ) ;
System.out.println(j+1) ;
} }
for (Piece p:pb) { if (p instanceof Pawn) {
if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' && Pawn myPawn = (Pawn) p ;
p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0') { myPawn.setOnce(false) ;
for (int i=0 ; i<8 ; ++i) { }
for (int j=0 ; j<8 ; ++j) { for (Piece blackPiece:pb) {
if (p.isValidMove(board[i][j], board, pw, pb)) { if (blackPiece.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow()
System.out.print( (char)((int)'a'+i) ) ; && blackPiece.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol())
System.out.println(j+1) ; blackPiece.setDeleted(true) ;
} }
} }
else if (s.length()==5) { }
if (wORb%2==0) { if (wORb%2==0) System.out.println("please enter a valid move!") ;
for (Piece p:pw) { else {
if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' && checkCondition(board, pw, pb) ;
p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0') { updateBoard(pw, pb) ;
if (p.isValidMove(new Cell(s.charAt(3)-'a', s.charAt(4)-'1'), board, pw, pb)) { printBoard() ;
wORb++ ; }
Cell tmp = new Cell(s.charAt(3)-'a', s.charAt(4)-'1') ; }
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(true) ; else {
p.setCell(tmp) ; for (Piece p:pb) {
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(false) ; if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' &&
for (Piece p1:pb) { p.getCell().getCol()+1==s.charAt(1)-'0')
if (p1.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow() && p1.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol()) { if (p.isValidMove(board[s.charAt(3)-'a'][s.charAt(4)-'1'], board, pw, pb) ) {
p1.setDeleted(true) ; wORb++ ;
} Cell tmp = new Cell(s.charAt(3)-'a', s.charAt(4)-'1') ;
} board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(true) ;
if (p instanceof Pawn) { p.setCell(tmp) ;
Pawn myPawn = (Pawn) p ; board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(false) ;
myPawn.setOnce(false) ; for (Piece p1:pw) {
} if (p1.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow() && p1.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol()) {
for (Piece blackPiece:pb) { p1.setDeleted(true) ;
if (blackPiece.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow() }
&& blackPiece.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol())
blackPiece.setDeleted(true) ;
if (wORb%2==0) System.out.println("please enter a valid move!") ;
else {
checkCondition(board, pw, pb) ;
updateBoard(pw, pb) ;
printBoard() ;
} }
else { if (p instanceof Pawn) {
for (Piece p:pb) { Pawn myPawn = (Pawn) p;
if (p.getCell().getRow()==s.charAt(0)-'a' && myPawn.setOnce(false) ;
if (p.isValidMove(new Cell(s.charAt(3)-'a', s.charAt(4)-'1'), board, pw, pb) ) {
wORb++ ;
Cell tmp = new Cell(s.charAt(3)-'a', s.charAt(4)-'1') ;
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(true) ;
p.setCell(tmp) ;
board[p.getCell().getRow()][p.getCell().getCol()].setEmpty(false) ;
for (Piece p1:pw) {
if (p1.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow() && p1.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol()) {
p1.setDeleted(true) ;
if (p instanceof Pawn) {
Pawn myPawn = (Pawn) p;
myPawn.setOnce(false) ;
for (Piece whitePiece:pw) {
if (whitePiece.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow()
&& whitePiece.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol())
whitePiece.setDeleted(true) ;
if (wORb%2==1) System.out.println("please enter a valid move!") ;
else {
checkCondition(board, pw, pb) ;
updateBoard(pw, pb) ;
printBoard() ;
} }
} for (Piece whitePiece:pw) {
else { if (whitePiece.getCell().getRow()==tmp.getRow()
System.out.println("Please enter a valid input!") ; && whitePiece.getCell().getCol()==tmp.getCol())
} whitePiece.setDeleted(true) ;
if (wORb%2==1) System.out.println("please enter a valid move!") ;
else {
checkCondition(board, pw, pb) ;
updateBoard(pw, pb) ;
printBoard() ;
} }
else {
System.out.println("Please enter a valid input!") ;
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
public class Pawn extends Piece{ public class Pawn extends Piece{
private boolean once, end ; private boolean once, end ;
public Pawn(Cell cell, Color color) { public Pawn(Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
super(cell, color) ; super(cell, pieceColor) ;
this.once = true ; this.once = true ;
this.end = false ; this.end = false ;
} }
...@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ public class Pawn extends Piece{ ...@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ public class Pawn extends Piece{
@Override @Override
public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
if (super.isDeleted()) return false ; if (super.isDeleted()) return false ;
if (super.getColor()==Color.BLACK && super.getCell().getRow()==0) end = true ; if (super.getPieceColor()== PieceColor.BLACK && super.getCell().getRow()==0) end = true ;
if (super.getColor()==Color.WHITE && super.getCell().getRow()==7) end = true ; if (super.getPieceColor()== PieceColor.WHITE && super.getCell().getRow()==7) end = true ;
int sw=0 ; int sw=0 ;
if (super.getColor() == Color.BLACK) { if (super.getPieceColor() == PieceColor.BLACK) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ; if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ;
} }
...@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ public class Pawn extends Piece{ ...@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ public class Pawn extends Piece{
else { else {
if( if(
(this.getCell().getCol() == c.getCol() && (this.getCell().getCol() == c.getCol() &&
((this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==1 && super.getColor()==Color.BLACK) || ((this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==1 && super.getPieceColor()== PieceColor.BLACK) ||
(this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==-1 && super.getColor()==Color.WHITE)) ) (this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==-1 && super.getPieceColor()== PieceColor.WHITE)) )
|| ||
(Math.abs(this.getCell().getCol()-c.getCol())==Math.abs(this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()) && (Math.abs(this.getCell().getCol()-c.getCol())==Math.abs(this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()) &&
((this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==1 && super.getColor()==Color.BLACK && sw==1) || ((this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==1 && super.getPieceColor()== PieceColor.BLACK && sw==1) ||
(this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==-1 && super.getColor()==Color.WHITE && sw==1)) ) (this.getCell().getRow()-c.getRow()==-1 && super.getPieceColor()== PieceColor.WHITE && sw==1)) )
) return true ; ) return true ;
else return false ; else return false ;
} }
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
public abstract class Piece { public abstract class Piece {
private Cell cell ; private Cell cell ;
private Color color ; private PieceColor pieceColor;
private boolean deleted ; private boolean deleted ;
public Piece (Cell cell, Color color) { public Piece (Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
this.cell = cell ; this.cell = cell ;
this.cell.setEmpty(false) ; this.cell.setEmpty(false) ;
this.color = color ; this.pieceColor = pieceColor;
this.deleted = false ; this.deleted = false ;
} }
...@@ -16,9 +20,62 @@ public abstract class Piece { ...@@ -16,9 +20,62 @@ public abstract class Piece {
public Cell getCell() { public Cell getCell() {
return cell; return cell;
} }
public Image getPieceImage(){
Image image = null;
try {
if (this instanceof Bishop) {
if (getPieceColor().equals(PieceColor.WHITE)) {
image = File("./pics/White-Bishop.png"));
} else {
image = File("./pics/Black-Bishop.png"));
} else if (this instanceof King) {
if (getPieceColor().equals(PieceColor.WHITE)) {
image = File("./pics/White-King.png"));
} else {
image = File("./pics/Black-King.png"));
} else if (this instanceof Knight) {
if (getPieceColor().equals(PieceColor.WHITE)) {
image = File("./pics/White-Knight.png"));
} else {
image = File("./pics/Black-Knight.png"));
} else if (this instanceof Pawn) {
if (getPieceColor().equals(PieceColor.WHITE)) {
image = File("./pics/White-Pawn.png"));
} else {
image = File("./pics/Black-Pawn.png"));
} else if (this instanceof Queen) {
if (getPieceColor().equals(PieceColor.WHITE)) {
image = File("./pics/White-Queen.png"));
public Color getColor() { } else {
return color; image = File("./pics/Black-Queen.png"));
} else if (this instanceof Rook) {
if (getPieceColor().equals(PieceColor.WHITE)) {
image = File("./pics/White-Rook.png"));
} else {
image = File("./pics/Black-Rook.png"));
}catch (Exception exception){
return image;
public PieceColor getPieceColor() {
return pieceColor;
} }
public boolean isDeleted() { public boolean isDeleted() {
...@@ -29,8 +86,8 @@ public abstract class Piece { ...@@ -29,8 +86,8 @@ public abstract class Piece {
this.cell = cell; this.cell = cell;
} }
public void setColor(Color color) { public void setPieceColor(PieceColor pieceColor) {
this.color = color; this.pieceColor = pieceColor;
} }
public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) {
public class Player { public class Player {
private Piece[] pieces = new Piece[16] ; private Piece[] pieces = new Piece[16] ;
private Color color ; private PieceColor pieceColor;
public Piece[] getPieces() { public Piece[] getPieces() {
return pieces ; return pieces ;
} }
public Color getColor() { public PieceColor getPieceColor() {
return color ; return pieceColor;
} }
public void setPieces(Piece[] pieces) { public void setPieces(Piece[] pieces) {
this.pieces = pieces ; this.pieces = pieces ;
} }
public void setColor(Color color) { public void setPieceColor(PieceColor pieceColor) {
this.color = color ; this.pieceColor = pieceColor;
} }
public Player(Color color) { public Player(PieceColor pieceColor) {
this.color = color ; this.pieceColor = pieceColor;
if (color == Color.WHITE) { if (pieceColor == PieceColor.WHITE) {
for(int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) { for(int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) {
pieces[i] = new Pawn(new Cell(1,i), color) ; pieces[i] = new Pawn(new Cell(1,i), pieceColor) ;
} }
pieces[8] = new Bishop(new Cell(0,2), color) ; pieces[8] = new Bishop(new Cell(0,2), pieceColor) ;
pieces[9] = new Bishop(new Cell(0,5), color) ; pieces[9] = new Bishop(new Cell(0,5), pieceColor) ;
pieces[10] = new Knight(new Cell(0,1), color) ; pieces[10] = new Knight(new Cell(0,1), pieceColor) ;
pieces[11] = new Knight(new Cell(0,6), color) ; pieces[11] = new Knight(new Cell(0,6), pieceColor) ;
pieces[12] = new Rook(new Cell(0,0), color) ; pieces[12] = new Rook(new Cell(0,0), pieceColor) ;
pieces[13] = new Rook(new Cell(0,7), color) ; pieces[13] = new Rook(new Cell(0,7), pieceColor) ;
pieces[14] = new King(new Cell(0,4), color) ; pieces[14] = new King(new Cell(0,4), pieceColor) ;
pieces[15] = new Queen(new Cell(0,3), color) ; pieces[15] = new Queen(new Cell(0,3), pieceColor) ;
} }
else { else {
for(int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++){ for(int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++){
pieces[i] = new Pawn(new Cell(6,i), color) ; pieces[i] = new Pawn(new Cell(6,i), pieceColor) ;
} }
pieces[8] = new Bishop(new Cell(7,2), color) ; pieces[8] = new Bishop(new Cell(7,2), pieceColor) ;
pieces[9] = new Bishop(new Cell(7,5), color) ; pieces[9] = new Bishop(new Cell(7,5), pieceColor) ;
pieces[10] = new Knight(new Cell(7,1), color) ; pieces[10] = new Knight(new Cell(7,1), pieceColor) ;
pieces[11] = new Knight(new Cell(7,6), color) ; pieces[11] = new Knight(new Cell(7,6), pieceColor) ;
pieces[12] = new Rook(new Cell(7,0), color) ; pieces[12] = new Rook(new Cell(7,0), pieceColor) ;
pieces[13] = new Rook(new Cell(7,7), color) ; pieces[13] = new Rook(new Cell(7,7), pieceColor) ;
pieces[14] = new King(new Cell(7,4), color) ; pieces[14] = new King(new Cell(7,4), pieceColor) ;
pieces[15] = new Queen(new Cell(7,3), color) ; pieces[15] = new Queen(new Cell(7,3), pieceColor) ;
} }
} }
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ ...@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
public class Queen extends Piece { public class Queen extends Piece {
public Queen(Cell cell, Color color) { public Queen(Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
super(cell, color) ; super(cell, pieceColor) ;
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
if (super.isDeleted()) return false ; if (super.isDeleted()) return false ;
int sw=0 ; int sw=0 ;
if (super.getColor() == Color.BLACK) { if (super.getPieceColor() == PieceColor.BLACK) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ; if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ;
} }
...@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ ...@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
public class Rook extends Piece { public class Rook extends Piece {
public Rook(Cell cell, Color color) { public Rook(Cell cell, PieceColor pieceColor) {
super(cell, color) ; super(cell, pieceColor) ;
} }
@Override @Override
public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) { public boolean isValidMove(Cell c, Cell board[][], Piece pw[], Piece pb[]) {
if (super.isDeleted()) return false ; if (super.isDeleted()) return false ;
int sw=0 ; int sw=0 ;
if (super.getColor() == Color.BLACK) { if (super.getPieceColor() == PieceColor.BLACK) {
for (Piece p:pw) { for (Piece p:pw) {
if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ; if (!p.isDeleted() && p.getCell().getRow()==c.getRow() && p.getCell().getCol()==c.getCol()) sw=1 ;
} }
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