Commit 61f3bb77 authored by MohammadAli Keshavarz's avatar MohammadAli Keshavarz

Basic operators

parent ea9bb4f7
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ var johnMark = 'John and MArk';
* Variable mutation and type coercion
var firstName = 'John';
var age = 28;
// Type coercion
......@@ -36,4 +36,32 @@ job = 'driver';
alert(firstName + ' is a ' + age + ' year old ' + job + '. Is he married? ' + isMarried);
var lastName = prompt('What is his last Name?');
console.log(firstName + ' ' + lastName);
* Basic operators
var year, yearJohn, yearMark;
now = 2018;
ageJohn = 28;
ageMark = 33;
// Math operators
yearJohn = now - ageJohn;
yeahMark = now - ageMark;
console.log(now + 2);
console.log(now * 2);
console.log(now / 10);
// Logical operators
var johnOlder = ageJohn < ageMark;
// typeof operator
console.log(typeof johnOlder);
console.log(typeof ageJohn);
console.log(typeof 'Mark is older tha John');
var x;
console.log(typeof x);
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