Commit 39d2ee1d authored by nargessalehi98's avatar nargessalehi98

Add faculty

import javax.swing.*;
* this class is about course's data
* @author Narges
* @version 0.0
public class Course {
// the name of course
private String name;
// the professor of course
private Professor professor;
// the list of course's student
private Student[] students;
// the list of course's lab
private Lab[] labs;
// the limit number of course capacity
private int maxCapacity;
// the number of current capacity
private int currentCapacity;
* creat new course
* @param name name of course
* @param professor of course
* @param credit of course
public Course(String name, Professor professor, int credit) {
students = new Student[15];
labs = new Lab[20]; = name;
this.professor = professor;
credit = 4;
maxCapacity = 15;
* @param name assign a name to course
public void setName(String name) { = name;
* @return name of course
public String getName() {
return name;
* @param professor set a professor to course
public void setProfessor(Professor professor) {
this.professor = professor;
* @return professor of the course
public Professor getProfessor() {
return professor;
* @param students list of course
public void setStudents(Student[] students) {
this.students = students;
* @return student list of course
public Student[] getStudents() {
return students;
* @param cap at the moment cap
public void setCapacity(int cap) {
currentCapacity = cap;
* @return current capacity of course
public int getCurrentCapacity() {
return currentCapacity;
* @return list of course's labs
public Lab[] getLabs() {
return labs;
* @param lab add lab to course's lab list
public void addLab(Lab lab) {
for (int i = 0; i < labs.length; i++) {
if (labs[i] == null) {
labs[i] = lab;
* @param student Add student in course and the first lab that has capacity
public void enrollStudent(Student student) {
for (Lab lab : labs) {
if (lab.hasCapacity())
System.out.println("Labs are full !");
public void printC() {
System.out.println("\nABOUT COURSE:Professor of course is:" + professor.getFirstName() +
"\nthe course's student are:" + getStudents() +
"\nthe course's capacity is :" + getCurrentCapacity() +
"\nthe course's lab is:" + getLabs());
import javax.swing.*;
* this class act about a faculty
* @author Narges
* @version 0.0
public class Faculty {
// name of faculty
private String name;
// list of professor of faculty
private Professor[] professors;
//list of faculty student
private Student[] students;
// list of courses of faculty
private Course[] courses;
* creat a new faculty
* @param name of faculty
public Faculty(String name) {
students=new Student[10];
professors=new Professor[10];
courses=new Course[10]; = name;
* @return name of faculty
public String getName() {
return name;
* @param students assign student to faculty
public void setStudents(Student[] students) {
this.students = students;
* @return students of the faculty
public Student[] getStudents() {
return students;
* @param courses assign courses to faculty's courses
public void setCourses(Course[] courses) { = courses;
* @param professors assign professor to the faculty's professor
public void setProfessors(Professor[] professors) {
this.professors = professors;
* @return list of faculty's professors
public Professor[] getProfessors() {
return professors;
* @return list of faculty's courses
public Course[] getCourses() {
return courses;
* @param student enroll student to the faculty
public void enrollStudent(Student student) {
for (int i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {
if (students[i] == null) {
students[i] = student;
* @param course add a course to faculty
public void addCourse(Course course) {
for (int i = 0; i < courses.length; i++) {
if (courses[i] == null) {
courses[i] = course;
* @param professor add a professor to faculty
public void addProfessor(Professor professor) {
* @param student check out if this student is in the faculty
* @return true or false
public boolean isStudentValid(Student student) {
for (Student value : students) {
return value == student;
return false;
* @param course is a special course which is checking
* @return true of false
public boolean isCourseValid(Course course) {
for (Course value : courses) {
return value == course;
return false;
* @param professor name of special professor which is checking
* @return true of false
public boolean isProfessorValid( Professor professor) {
for (Professor value : professors) {
return value == professor;
return false;
public void printF(){
System.out.println("\nABOUT FACULTY:the faculty name is :"+getName()+
"\nthe courses are:"+getCourses()+
"\nthe students are:"+getStudents()+
"\nthe professors are:"+getProfessors());
* this class gives data about each course's lab
* @author Narges
* @version 0.0
public class Lab {
// the lab's course
private Course course;
// the lab's TA
private String TA;
// the day which lab is working
private String day;
// list pf lab's student
private Student[] students;
//number of student whom enroll
private int currentSize;
// the limit of lac
private int capacity;
* creat a new lab
* @param TA teacher assistant
* @param day the day which lab is working
* @param course the lab's name
* @param capacity the limit of lac
public Lab(String TA, String day, Course course, int capacity){
students=new Student[10];
* set a TA
* @param TA teacher assistant
public void setTA(String TA){
* @return TA
public String getTA(){
return TA;
* @param day set a day for lab
public void setDay(String day){;
* return the lab's day
* @return day
public String getDay(){
return day;
* @param students set student to student list
public void setStudents(Student[] students){
* return list of student
* @return students
public Student[] getStudents(){
return students;
* check out if there is capacity yet or not
* @return true or false
public boolean hasCapacity(){
return currentSize < capacity;
* @param currentSize of the lab
public void setCurrentSize(int currentSize){
* @param student assign a new student to this lab
public void enrollStudent(Student student){
if (currentSize < capacity) {
students[currentSize++] = student;
} else {
System.out.println("Lab is full!!!");
public void printL(){
System.out.println("\nABOUT LAB:lab's TA is :"+TA+
"\nthe current sizs is:"+currentSize+
"\nthe day is :"+day+
"\nhas capacity:"+hasCapacity()+
"\nthe students are :"+getStudents()+
import javax.print.attribute.Size2DSyntax;
import javax.swing.plaf.IconUIResource;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student S1 = new Student("Narges", "Salehi", "9628055");
Student S2 = new Student("maryam", "mohamadi", "9731022");
Professor EE = new Professor("Ehsan", "Edalat");
Course AP = new Course("AP", EE, 4 );
Course ML = new Course("ML", EE, 4);
Course DL=new Course("DL",EE,4 );
Lab APLAb = new Lab("TA", "saturday", AP, 15);
Faculty Computer = new Faculty("computer");
S1.setGrade(new int[]{12, 13, 14});
EE.setCourses(new Course[]{AP, ML});
EE.addCourse(new Course("DL", EE, 4));
EE.setCourses(new Course[]{AP, ML,DL});
APLAb.setStudents(new Student[]{S1});
AP.setProfessor(new Professor("Narges", "Salehi"));
AP.setStudents(new Student[]{S1});
Computer.setCourses(new Course[]{AP,ML});
Computer.addCourse(new Course("DL",EE,4));
Computer.setCourses(new Course[]{AP,ML});
Computer.setStudents(new Student[]{S1});
Computer.setProfessors(new Professor[]{EE});
* this class gives data about professor
* @author Narges
* @version 0.0
public class Professor {
//name of professor
private String firstName;
// last name of professor
private String lastName;
// list of courses of professor
private Course[] courses;
* creat a new professor
* @param firstName first name of professor
* @param lastName last name of professor
public Professor(String firstName, String lastName) {
courses = new Course[10];
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
* @return the first name of professor
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
* @return list of courses of a professor
public Course[] getCourses() {
return courses;
* @param courses assign courses
public void setCourses(Course[] courses) { = courses;
* @param course add a course for a professor
public void addCourse(Course course) {
for (int i = 0; i < courses.length; i++) {
if (courses[i] == null) {
courses[i] = course;
public void printp() {
System.out.println("About Professor : First name of professor is :" + firstName);
System.out.println("His courses are :");
for (Course cours : courses) {
System.out.println( cours.getName());
* this student class present data about student
* @author Narges
* @version 0.0
public class Student {
// student first name
private String firstName;
// student last name
private String lastName;
// student number
private String id;
// list of student grades
private int[] grades;
// the average of student grades
private int average;
// list of student courses
private Course[] courses;
* creat new student with specific name and id
* @param fName first name
* @param lname last name
* @param sID student number
public Student(String fName, String lname, String sID) {
courses=new Course[10];
* @return first name of student
public String getFirstName(){
return firstName;
* @return last name of student
public String getLastName(){
return lastName;
* @return return id
public String getId(){
return id;
* @return student grades
public int[] getGrades(){
return grades;
* *
* @param num set the grade of student
public void setGrade(int[] num) {
grades = num;
//All grades have equal weight
* calculate the average of grades
public void calculateAverage(){
int counter=0;
for (int grade : grades) {
average += grade;
* @return the average of grades
public int getAverage(){
return average;
* print the average of grades
public void print(){
System.out.println("About Student : The average is:" +average);
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